
Sonic Experiment #352 & Ambient Sleep Noise
I talk through the noise maker and the Live Takes that came from it.

Generative Music Template
This week I will discuss a useful template that can be used for creating deceptively deep generative music.

Sonic Experiment #339 & 4 Drone Generator
A write up for Sonic Experiment #339 and the 4 Drone Generator behind it.

Sonic Experiment #338
A description of the components of my latest Live Takes.

Sonic Experiment #329 Iterations
I talk about iterations of Sonic Experiment #329.

Sonic Experiment #328
This week I discuss the lates Live Takes work Sonic Experiment #328.

Sonic Experiments 324-326
Updates to Live Takes formats and recaps on what has been published recently.

Rework Composition Tool
A tool to rework your exisiting work

Starship Kiji
Starship Kiji is the first full generative album release of Nervous Plaything. By using combination of generative techniques, with classic synthwave timbres and structures, the album explores the human psyche as it goes on a journey through the far reaches of space.
World Building Template
Here is the template I use to build worlds in my own table top roleplaying game, RiftWalker.

Visual Scene Challenge
My take on the C74 Jitter challenge: Scene.

Bohs In The Evening 1 & 2
Over the last two weeks I have composed and iterated on a Live Takes tune that is worth talking about.

Some Generative Tools
Here are a couple of grid generative tools form the archives. They can help you in the creation of ideas.
One Word Character Generator
Using the below tables, you can make all the relevant choices needed to make a fully fledged tabletop roleplaying game character! These tables are system and genre agnostic. I have kept the tables to one word for each heading to leave a level of creativity up to you. The use of the d6 was simply accessibility.
Generative Composition Tables
Here are some preview tables that I have written for a larger composition project, that I have hinted at in the past.
Pianogram in C Major: Thoughts

25 ways to Follow The Boxes
Follow The Boxes, a compositional tool by Matthew Davis.