Cycling74 Max MSP Patchers
These are provided for people to edit and use as they please, as an educative resource. If you use it in its whole, please attribute to Matthew Davis as according to Creative Commons Attribution.
Line (best practice) - this abstraction adds a slight delay to the flow of data through a pak object
Coll record/playback - this abstraction is my main go to for recording data of all sorts
Using Coll - this patcher showcases some of the best Coll practices uses the Coll record/playback abstraction
Drunkmet - this abstraction adds a custom timer to output drunk numbers
Randommet - this abstraction adds a custom timer to output random numbers
Urnmet - this abstraction adds a custom timer to output urn numbers
Rangemet - this abstraction adds a custom timer to output random numbers in a range
TapTempo - this abstraction is my version of a tap tempo, that I have used I many visual and audio patchers
Scaler_Data - this abstraction scales data so that it is smoother in output - very useful for art installations that use big amounts of live data
Monitoring - this is a general guide to the best debugging protocols in Max/MSP/Jitter
Random Drink Generator - this patcher randomly assigns 4 ingredients that 4 people need to make a new cocktail
Key press move - this patcher tracks your keyboard presses and moves it in a pictslider or inc/dec
Mouse Screen Mapper - this patcher maps your screen size to a pict slider that can track the mouse to it
StepSeq hide interface - this patcher reveals which step is up to with a flash, while the others disappear
Random list (non repeating) - this patcher creates a random list of numbers that don’t repeat
Motion detection - this patcher detects if pixels change in a video feed, by tracking squares and triggering events
Dropfile utility - this patcher is a great “bpatcher” version of the drop file object
Breakdown Number - this patcher breaks a number down into random sub numbers that sum together
Contact mic threshold Capture - this patcher lets you change the the threshold of incoming sound needed for a contact mic
Random Dice and Groups - this patcher can roll random groups of dice of varying size
Generative Slider - this patcher generates random sliding amounts at varying times
Note analysis - this patcher analyses notes being played - in this example it filters specific intervals of random notes
threshold analysis - reviews pitch and amplitude above and below certain values
Diceroll - this abstraction lets someone roll a dice and change the probability of it
Pools - a composition tool that lets you play a random midi note from a pool (even from a simple synth) - accesses audio preferences, record and view the output
Unseen - a composition tool that mixes up tired workflow by generating a new interface and arrangement of buttons that can be made invisible to help inspire the composer
Before_Notes - this composition tool plays notes based on the percentage chance of the notes that were played before and how often they were played - the record button can be kept on to change the percentage as it plays
Follow the Boxes - on a piece of paper, assign some notes to boxes labelled 1-100 - follow the path by starting with a number and hitting the next note generated to develop new melodies
X/Y Drone Blender - this is a simple, but effective drone interface using the Mira app from Cycling74 - the XY pad controls the blend of sine, sawtooth, rectangle and triangle waves
Autoplay Keyboard - this little patch shows some examples of other forms of control - such as keyboard, mouse and generators
Rotate 5 dials - this is the start of an interface that rotates 5 dials to control parameters - connected to the Mira app from Cycling74
If_Then Permutation Generator (2021) - this generates permutations for pitch generation, based on what the past notes played were - includes some niceties - see blog post for more on its use
Timeline Duration - a timeline interface for drone music
Chord Gen Final - a way to generate chords and play them in a timeline interface with some nice bells and whistles
Dial Slider - a conceptual controller that moves a dial on the XYZ axis
Turns - a simple and conceptual dial interface for turn-tabling a sample
Turns Multi - a simple and conceptual dial interface for turn-tabling a sample - multiple channels
Simple Step Sequencer- a step sequencer that clearly shows its base components - a great place to build
Random Sound Ramps - a patch that sets random sounds to play on ramped times - includes sine, saw, triangle waves; pink and white noise; clicks
Variable Sirens - a patch that plays sirens at varying times and lengths
AddSynth - interesting envelope generators for simple waveforms - features some of my random “met” abstractions above
MultSynth - this synthesizer engine is based around combining waves that multiply the frequency of the original note selected
Simple Detune Saw Synth - this poly synth patch can be easily edited for further fun - includes a neat detune feature
DeepSynth_Mira - this synth patcher combines 2 waves with the base note controlled using Hz - connected to the Mira app from Cycling74
Random sample length - use this with a buffer to set random playback of a sample
Random notes in scale generator - easy to customise notes in a scale, and play them back generatively
Ringers_Movement - this patchers slides tones up and down - you can randomise them too
Set&Leave - some wave ringers that make some beautiful drone
526 378 143 - some sine waves with biquad filters and visualisers
4 Drones - up to 4 drones can be randomly start and stop, delayed, with random pitch and recorded - all automated
Set Distances - set drones to play - control separately or from a master dial: from multiplier or set distance proportionately
Beeps and Clicks - a collection of noise generators to get the experimental party started
Metro midi note gen - this patch allows for the drunken selection of the note pitch and time between - changing over time
Node Waves - a unique way to control a wave generator with nodes
Ramp Noise - repurposed noise generators
Ramp Clicks - repurposed click generators
Random Ambient Sleep - random noise generators to help one sleep - different every time
5 delayed slider - this patcher allows multiple outputs for effects or instruments that are all delayed outputs of 1
Clicks For Crickets - this patcher allows multiple clicks to be played at once, creating a cricket soundscape
Simple Chance Generator - the simplest, and cleanest random note generator, with enough controls for it to be useful
Radio Sound Clarity - an experiment in simulating the sound of finding the clearest spot for a radio station
Mock Radio - a 4 sound file radio that simulates the noise between stations
Generative Drunks - 3 sound generators using my drunkmet object
Dots the move - a patch that moves some coloured balls around a square - good as a starting point for shape and movement in jit.lcd
Flasher - a fine addition to any crossfade visualiser that flashes different colours into different divisions
Mouse disappear on fullscreen - this is a patch that is utility for video works - makes the mouse disappear when video on fullscreen
Geometric shape generator - this patch generates triangles, squares and circles - a fun experiment
Jweb video wall - this patcher opens a wall of video files from the web
Video manipulator - a group of manipulation effects for video files, with a healthy dose of irony
Colour_Sukah - a colour picker from a video file, using the Sukah object
Video_Drone Synth - a patcher that combines a few different lcd visuals that can be controlled by audio input
Jit Turtle Line Drawer - a jit turtle line drawer that keeps drawing lines based on the lines that have come before (before most)
Simple Waveform Visualiser - a jit.graph patcher that lets you simply control waveforms of audio files and exports them
Random video sample player - a player that selects random parts of a video to play, automatically - with extras
90s Text Screensaver Challenge - a screensaver for custom text
Scene Challenge - a jit.lcd randomly generated underwater experience with 3 main thematic layers
Simplest visualiser - 2 objects, maximum creativity
Text visualiser - various ways of visualising text in a video wall
Video Eraser - a random line that erases a black layer to reveal a video underneath, with plenty of tools and effects
Solo RPG Oracle - this is a tool that shows images and text prompts to assist in solo ttrpg playing
Fluxus Art Generator - this is a tool that generates fluxus written art pieces
Graphic Score Image Converter - this is a tool that converts photos into graphic score pieces
Clicker and Wave Visualiser - this patcher features a plus sound and a a wave visualiser - a great starting point
White Noise, One Pole and Visuals - this patcher is a generative filter sweeper for white noise and visualiser
Random notes in scale and visuals - easy to customise notes in a scale, generative playback and a visualiser
RPG Map Turn Order tracker - a simple proof of concept for a turn order tracker and a RPG map player