Sonic Experiment #339 & 4 Drone Generator

This week is all about the latest Live Takes I did and the sound generator I used for it. It is available on the Resources Page if you want to play around with it.

Live Takes: Sonic Experiment #339

Random noise generation with the 4 random drones creator. Many harsh layers. Jump into the ride. #339.

This is the 4 drone generator. It is the sole sound generator in Sonic Experiment #339. I like how the extreme volume maximises the perception of the sound moving through the air. When the long, discordant drone sets in, you can feel the gaps and pops in the air of the sound. The sound flows and strengthens, the longer the drone is made to hold. The hard distortion of the volume is a wonderful emotion creator. The tones created have a nice mixture of discord and harmony. Of course the result is different every time. You can set the auto record of the audio file at the end, which is one of the practical touches I like adding to patchers. Below, I have set some of the audio layers used in the Live Takes. It is nice to hear the isolation of the individual takes, with the final product.

Take 4 (Sonic Experiment #339)

Take 7 (Sonic Experiment #339)

Take 12 (Sonic Experiment #339)

Take 18 (Sonic Experiment #339)

While it certainly not for everyone, I recommend giving it a go and having a listen.

Here is a previous post about the generator for your reading pleasure.


RiftWalker Campaign - Overview and Thoughts (30-31)


Sonic Experiment #338