Bohs In The Evening 1 & 2

Over the last two weeks I have composed and iterated on a Live Takes tune that is worth talking about.

Live Takes: Bohs In The Evening

This work used a generative Max Msp patch that created simple visuals and randomly selected a note within a scale. This process was recorded several times and layered for more interesting effect. This patch uses my rangemet object. You can pick this patch up here.

While very simple, I really enjoy the meditative effect of the work. The result is a generative ambient piece that steadily drifts off into the background. It moves the listener through several passive listening states.


Live Takes: Bohs In The Evening Alternative Take

The previous work was remixed by randomly generating the length of time in seconds (from the end of the video) which would play, in order. 74,159, 95, 32, 15. A much longer work than the original, the Alternative Take explores a further transcendent state by asking the listener to sit through periods of repeated sonic pattern. This is a generative remix of an already generative song.

For both tracks, the clear connection between generative process and output, helps explain some difficult concepts to amateur listeners. They simultaneously provide lovely ambient works for the passive mind to latch onto, while allowing the active mind to concentrate on other tasks, or create new ideas. The lovely triangle wave simple tones allow for a pleasant listening experience.


Tabletop Character Generator - Past and Modern Humanity


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