
Wave Experiments For Those Who Came Before
This is the launch of my latest Drone album of 2024.

5 Aspects Of The Koma Elektronik Field Kit I love
I recently got the Field Kit. I talk about why I love it this week.

Rework Composition Tool
A tool to rework your exisiting work

Starship Kiji
Starship Kiji is the first full generative album release of Nervous Plaything. By using combination of generative techniques, with classic synthwave timbres and structures, the album explores the human psyche as it goes on a journey through the far reaches of space.
Experimental Composition Instructors
Five Fluxus inspired generators for use with experimental composition.

DRAGON ATTACK - A Live Takes Trilogy
Check out the wrap up of my DRAGON ATTACK Live Takes Trilogy.

Bohs In The Evening 1 & 2
Over the last two weeks I have composed and iterated on a Live Takes tune that is worth talking about.

Experimental Compositions from 2021
Some compositions from 2021.

Party Dozen – The Real Work (Album and Launch Show Review)
This week I had the pleasure of listening to The Real Work by Party Dozen, Australian Experimental Improve outfit featuring saxophonist Kirsty Tickle and percussionist Jonathan Boulet. I talk about their album launch tour gig and the album below.

Oscillo Scape 20 Reactions
This week I got the chance to see the latest Oscillo Scape show (20) at Alchemix Studios in South Brisbane. I run through a play-by-play and my reactions of the event below.

Graphic Score Drafts and Compilation
Below I have listed a few of my draft graphic scores as I have made them. These are being complied for a writing project about experimental music in forms I have explored.