5 Aspects Of The Koma Elektronik Field Kit I love

I recently was given the Koma Elektronik Field Kit and the expansion pack. I have loved it so far. It has allowed me to go back to basics for noise creation. I discuss some of my loves below, and list some of my recent Live Takes I have done with it.

Minimalism. Limitation breeds creativity and that is certainly true here. With only minimal inputs, and controls, I have to get creative to get the most out of it. This is great! With gear fatigue, too many devices means you only use each at a surface level. With this being the ‘hub’ device, I can focus on it for sound creation.

Physicality. I would have really liked this device, a long time ago. 10 years ago I was obsessed with building my own physical instruments to make analogue from itself or digital music as a unique controller. The Field Kit allows me to control multiple sensors or motors to make noise physically. This means you can use a contact mic, with a marble and a motor, for instance. What more could you ask for.

Radio. The radio adds a nice royalty free noise source that can be clutch for ambient drone. Its frequency search can be manipulated internally or externally and randomised. This gives you a nice ‘random’ element to your music, outside of the composer’s control. If it does not find a station, you get a great white noise source that can be further manipulated as you see fit.

Exploration. This device begs for exploration. It makes you want to connect multiple other sources to it, to see what will happen. It makes you want to use the strange sensors and inputs/outputs, to give you new source of inspiration. The best device, is something that entices a human want for play to learn its use.

Open. This is just the beginning, and that is something I love about it. I have to learn and play more to get more benefits from it. Maybe I will find a nee connector that makes me want to try something new. Maybe I will hear a sound in real life, I want to sample and play through this device. I can’t wait for more fun.


Roll For Mech


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