Live Takes: Warble Chords
This week’s Live Takes recording was taken from a sample I made last week of some warbling chords. The Korg Minilogue XD played a phrase of arpeggiated rotating notes from my Squarp Pyramid, with a synth patch that focuses on chorus effects, pitch affecting LFOs and highly sustained ADSR envelopes. Being inspired by the minute and a half long sample, I decided I needed to do more with it.
Wong Kar-Wai: Second Cinema Auteur
The internationally acclaimed Hong Kong director Wong Kar-Wai is seen to be an auteur in Second Cinema as his work includes trademarks to distinguish itself from others’. Similar narrative devices, stylistic choices and discourses link his films.
Through - Graphic Score & Audio-Visual Work
This week I made a graphic composition as a part of my weekly output goal. This week’s Live Takes recording was an audio translation of this score.
If_Then Permutation Generator v4 2021
This is the If_Then Generator. An algorithmic pitch generation tool that allows the user a unique way of generating composition ideas. It uses permutations to generate every possible combination of notes that can come up, as defined by the list of options from user. This allows them to create specific percentages that indicate which note will play next, based on what has come before it. It will generate notes, in an evolving manner as a song progresses.
DMUT – A Live Takes Deconstruction
This week I released the Live Takes video DMUT. I break down the work in today’s blog post.
Plan Jam and the Evolution of Process
Last year I put up a track named Plan Jam that was a fun little electro ditty. I have since done 3 additional reworks of the original. I will be discussing those, in comparison to the original, today. The impact of these works will have future ramifications to my Live Takes series, more on that at the end of the post.
There has been much debate recently as to the roles the audience should play in transmedia narratives. There is the argument that a strong narrative is key to audience engagement, whilst others say that user interactivity (eg between audiences and the fictional world or creators) and emphasis on the platforms as being most important.
Synthesizer Meanings: A Comparison Of Nostalgia And Experimentation
Comparison between Synthesizer use in bands Death Grips and College with relation to aesthetics, advancement and subculture.
No Wave Music - An Annotated Bibliography
This is an annotated bibliography of some relevant sources on the topics of subcultural theory related to the No Wave music genre.
The Many Live Takes of “Levels”
This week I break down the three versions of the track “Levels” I have recorded for my Live Takes series.
The reboot of the television serial Battlestar Galactica (Ronald D. Moore 2004) utilised different platforms to create a transmedia narrative. Although it has been argued that some of these platforms were unsuccessful because of their differing levels of relevancy to the launch platform, some created audience positive interest due to the high concentration on narrative design and the creation of an overall experience for the users.
Tracked Creative Output Challenge
Over the last 3 months (12 weeks to be exact), I decided to track weekly creative output. I have now completed the challenge and I thought I would share my thoughts on the process and journey.
2021 Music in Review
This year has had its lows and highs worldwide. One thing we all can agree on, is that it has been a great year for music. Below List my top 3 albums and a mix of 50 great tunes for the year, that were released on major streaming services.
A great Year for Indie Folk
It truly has been a magnificent year for the genre of Indie-Folk. With piles of great releases in the genre (and sub-genres), I thought I would briefly discuss some of my favourites below.