The Many Live Takes of “Levels”

This week I break down the three versions of the track “Levels” I have recorded for my Live Takes series. I managed a remix and a cover of this surprisingly versatile track.


First uploaded Tuesday, July 20, 2021 – “Levels” is a poppy synthwave track with elements of dance. The original track relies on the use of repeated motifs to keep the track ticking along. It features a variety of drums including kick, snare, cymbals toms, hi-hats (open and closed) and claves; all from the Arturia Drumbrute. The Korg Minilogue XD powers the main motif (that opens the track) and some repeated stabs. The Korg Wavestate powers the background chords and a few other lines. The bass is raw and cold, from the Arturia Minibrute. It starts with the main driver of the song, and then shortly moves into the long form bridge, where drums and chords are layered. It eventually comes back to the main motif and powers up with some louder toms, and iconic Drumbrute digital cymbals. When the chord stabs return, it signals the end of the track. The jaunty pop sound of this track was right what I needed when I wrote it. It is a pure sequencer song, that has mute groups being brought in and out to signify now stages of the track.

Levels Remix

This one was uploaded Tuesday, July 27, 2021. Only a week later, I knew I wasn’t finished. The first difference you will notice is the tempo increase. The introduction of the fuller bass line and the more snare hits; creates more urgency. The motif is more of a sprinkle on top of this track. There is a harshness that comes into the bass line later. Powerful. The sharp change to the new Wavestate line, and removing the motif is a throw-back to the original second section. As is the introduction of the toms. Rim shots are added for flavour, and the chords are different. The opening up of the chord filter moves into trance territory. The need to groove and boogie, really strikes harder here. The drums are added and removed to create difference. 

Down Levels

This track was uploaded Sunday January 16, 2022. A rework to bring it down. The tempo, is another huge change. The chords are in an organ timbre on the Wavestate. The beeping from the Minilogue XD forces reflection and melancholy. When it changes to the previous secondary line, it hits different. The introduction of the much slower motif is powerful in its mood change from the original. Having a thinner texture spaces things out nicely; making someone really listen to each line separately. The less quantity of drum sounds, makes it fee; more skeletal in approach. There is less sectioning of this track; just parts where the motif is and isn’t there. This is a synth wave “ballad” reminiscent of Kraftwerk’s slower numbers.


No Wave Music - An Annotated Bibliography
