Tabletop Character Design - Apocalypse

Creating a character in a tabletop roleplaying game can feel limiting, depending on the system you use. There are often build and class restrictions that mean you are pigeon-holed into a certain style of play. Below I start the first in a series of character design builders to help you think up a narrative for your next character. They are system agnostic tables that allow you to rethink your character designs. The genre I talk about this week is Post Apocalypse games. I have shortened the name to Apocalypse for ease.

Character Archetypes (d6 x 2 for choice)

Table 1

  1. Survivor/Rover

  2. Road Warrior / The Veteran Soldier

  3. Death Metal Ballad Monger / Orator of the Apocalypse

  4. Desert Harvester

  5. Oil/Tech Scavenger (thief)

  6. Priest of Rejuvenation

Table 2

  1. Insectoid

  2. Ruler of the Wasteland

  3. Pit Fighter

  4. Mutant

  5. The Beast Master

  6. The Irradiated Man

Look (d6)

  1. Tough and rough

  2. Spindly and feeble

  3. Ghostly and pale

  4. Ritualistic Marking covered

  5. Exaggerated parts and mutated

  6. Regal and over the top

Personality (d6)

  1. Grave and solemn

  2. Chaotic and confused

  3. Friendly optimist

  4. Repulsive communication style

  5. Dutiful and cooperative

  6. Charismatic and commanding

Flaw (d6)

  1. Wealth over people

  2. Life is not worth saving

  3. Too trusting of those with power

  4. Principles are everything

  5. Nonsensical priorities

  6. Gloomy and dark

Reason To Adventure (d6)

  1. Hunt down the bounty that got away

  2. Revenge for those who took everything from you

  3. Riches to escape your fate

  4. A purpose in life, that has nothing

  5. I will find the way to undo this future state

  6. Learning a better way to live life


Tabletop Character Design - Sci-fi


Max Chance Tools and Abstractions