Tabletop Character Design - Sci-fi

This week, I continue my collection of character design tables for different genres in tabletop role playing games. I write about science fiction characters below.

Character Archetypes (d6 x 2 for choice)

Table 1

  1. Robot

  2. Alien

  3. Psychic/Psion

  4. Superhero

  5. Future Traveller

  6. Starship Pilot / Mech Pilot

Table 2

  1. Hacker

  2. Techno Punk/bio hacker

  3. Neon Future Racer

  4. Unplugged Martial Anarchist

  5. Space Monk

  6. Bounty Hunter

Look (d6)

  1. Dirty and greasy

  2. Illuminated and cybernetic

  3. Sterile and clean

  4. Enhanced and perfect

  5. Inhuman and strange

  6. Modified and biohacked

Personality (d6)

  1. Inquisitive and naive

  2. Thoughtful and calculating

  3. Simple and kind

  4. Serious and nuanced

  5. Team oriented and mediating

  6. Meditative and inward

Flaw (d6)

  1. Cold and alien

  2. Haughty about your own culture

  3. Lust for power

  4. Extremely vain

  5. Paranoia of the unknown

  6. No concept of polite speech

Reason To Adventure (d6)

  1. Hunt down the mega corporation scum who ruined everything

  2. To spite those who said you couldn’t

  3. Take the wealth that is rightfully yours

  4. Bring prosperity to the people who can’t fight for themselves

  5. Learn about the variety of culture around you and explore new worlds

  6. The machine told you to


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Tabletop Character Design - Apocalypse