Strange items for tabletop roleplaying games

See below three d4 tables of items for your next tabletop roleplaying game.


The Watch

At the exact time set on a mysterious watch you get a random effect, twice per day:

D6 - Effect

  1. Auto success 1 check

  2. Summon a beast for 1 hour

  3. Pause time 1 minute

  4. Change your form for 1 hour

  5. Truesight for 1 hour

  6. Immune to environmental effects for 1 hour

Map of Finding

When in a labyrinthine space there is a 1/3 chance of the map becoming the correct space you are in. A further 1/3 chance of showing treasure/points of interest. 1/3 chance to show occupants.

Happy Plant

A small pot plant that can sing a mysterious tune that gives a clue to your current question asked. Always a little cryptic, but never wrong.

The Pouches

These pouched adhere directly to your clothing. There is a chest strap that looks like it holds the pouches on but is infact a spot for a large item to be magically shrunk and stored in it. While wearing this, you gain 3 additional pouches per limb, and 10 belt pouches for additional space.


The Vessel

A submarine and boat that is a living alien bloat fish. It has pockets of air that can let people submerge while inside it, or stand on top with a flat back. It also features natural bulbs on top of light and pillars to grasp. Only those kind to it, can ride this majestic beast. One does not control the Vessel when first found but can be guided through gentle touches and the lure of food (checks).

Black Medicine of the Vessel

This large black tablet, can be given to “The Vessel”. When done, it grows a single fleshy pipe from its back. One may “connect” this pipe (after successful check) to control the beast in where it goes. While connected in this way, your body is helpless, as your mind melds with the creature.

Green Feed of the Vessel

A sack contains a green flakey food that can be fed to “The Vessel”. Once it has consumed all of the feed, it grows tentacles on its lower side that allow the beast to walk on land.

Gold Ichor of the Vessel

This large jar of gold slime, can be injected into “The Vessel”. Once iall has been injected, its cheeks can then inflate in a way that beast can fly in the sky.


Sky Iron

An iron hand pike that’s been struck by lightning. Double damage against foes you despise with all burning hatred. While carrying it, you slowly become more savage and brutal in combat, and can’t hold back on ultra violence indulgence. You swear it whispers violent thoughts to you.

Hammer of Tradition

This weapon was once wielded by a Queen who would not modernize their kingdom. This weapon does double damage to all machines, sources of electricity and automatons. You become more stubborn, day by day.

Gun of the Air

This steam powered pistol was made by the greatest crafters of the age. One can use an action of this pistol to open its back vent and fill its chamber with fair. This allows six shots of massive piercing damage that leaves no trace of ammunition behind. It creates a loud “pop” sound when fired. Double damage against those in in no, or non-metal armour.

Returning Silver

This boomerang is made of silver and was blessed by the monks of the forgotten age. When thrown, it can return to the owners hand. It can also be curved to hit target that normal thrown weapons could not. Double damage against cursed creatures.


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