Tabletop Character Generator - Past and Modern Humanity

The most tricky of all to develop in this series, the human world. Trying to come up with generic tables for peoples who are diverse and different as humans was very hard. I tried to go for classic role-play archetypes when generating these tables. Roleplaying in modern or past games can be a lot of fun, especially if you are using systems meant for generic role-play or hyper specific genre stories. Look to this character generator below for inspiration for your next table top roleplaying game.

Historical Character Archetypes (d6 x 2 for choice)

Table 1

  1. Land Tracker

  2. Builder/architect: Egyptian, Mayan etc

  3. Archaeologist/Tomb Robber

  4. Zealot/Serf Upriser

  5. Soldier: Roman, WW2, Viking etc

  6. Spiritual Leader

Table 2

  1. Noir Investigator

  2. Philosopher/Scholar: Greek, Italian, French etc

  3. Advisor to Noble

  4. Gunslinger

  5. Service worker/Merchant: Western, Chinese etc

  6. 80s Action Star

Modern Character Archetypes (d6 x 2 for choice)

Table 1

  1. Administrative Clerk

  2. Secret Agent/Spy

  3. Athlete

  4. Miner

  5. Artist

  6. Physician

Table 2

  1. Martial Artist

  2. Journalist

  3. Modern soldier

  4. Police Officer

  5. Teacher

  6. Politician

Identifying Look

  1. Scruffy

  2. Sickly

  3. Pristine

  4. Attractive

  5. Flashy

  6. Hideous

Character Flaw

  1. Foolish

  2. Greedy

  3. Stubborn

  4. Egotistical

  5. Impatient

  6. Cowardly

Personality Type

  1. Thoughtful

  2. Gruff

  3. Charming

  4. Excitable

  5. Helpful

  6. Gentle

Personal Goal

  1. Revenge

  2. Inspiration

  3. Discovery

  4. Notoriety

  5. Penance

  6. Growth


Visual Scene Challenge


Bohs In The Evening 1 & 2