Roll For Mech
Roll For Mech Character Sheet.
My new update to the Roll For Series.
A tabletop roleplaying game about adventuring Mechs, seeking meaning, finding their place in the human world. They will be following or battling their coded reason for existence. They fight for human kind, and are shunned by those who do not understand their mechanical life. They are flawed in their approach, with lots to learn about themselves and society.
I have been working on this game in the background to other projects. I have been enjoying getting outside my comfort zone for new genres. It really has been a creative exercise built on random table creation. It is the bulk of the game and one of the best parts of any game master’s arsenal. I have plans for more in the future, but we have just hit 3 variants! Priest, Vigilante and now Mech!
Check out the play test document here! Roll for Mech v0.1