What I Have Been Listening To: July 2022

Khaza - Kevin Gates (2022)

The first thing you will notice about this album, especially compared to others of his, is the production. The production is clean and very thorough. There are plenty of uses of creative panning, samples that move forward and back through the mix. His vocals sound luscious also. The samples on here range from lovely guitars and piano, to harsh tones. The beats and percussion are interesting, but don’t get in the way. A new go to of mine for sure. I am not sure why Thinkin With My Dick is back on this album, but I’m here for it. There are throw back vocal lines that tie together the narratives of his past past albums. I love hearing this continuation that rewards a long time listener. You will hear a mix of gangsta rap, with some more moving spiritual tracks. There are many strong tracks on this album.

Big Lyfe

This track has spiritual connections. The lyrical breaks are poignant and great uses of space. I love the guitar samples and the layers of this track. After the bombastic Intro, this song hits different in all the right way. The guitars really set a mood.

I’m In Love

This track opens with some glitchy vocal effects, different levels of panning and plenty of breaks. Very quality stuff. Again, the use of space is great. I love the piano arpeggios. A great vocal hook. The beats fit so well with the rest of the production. It makes me think that he has moved thoroughly into the pop-rap genre with this track.

Bad For Me

This song gives me Say It Twice energy. The guitar sample is fantastic. The vocal layers and effects fit really well with the trap drums. It ties into the story of many of his past tracks. The hook, again really pulls you in. He has mastered this type of chorus. You can’t go wrong with a classic club track.

Shoot My Shot

The novelty of this song is much to be believed. Each of his albums has a novelty sex based track. This song links to his past over the top sexual songs. The result is a bit of a laugh. The vocals are really luscious here with the percussion and the euro style synths. The vocals sound great in this track too.

Home State - Jordan Davis (2018)

Those that know me, know that I love pop-country. This album is the definition of that genre. It feels like a pop album, with country aesthetics. This includes the country twangs in vocals, guitar and slide focus, and the country the lyrical content. This album focuses on production, which highlights the pop origins. It is thick and wide, with layers. This doesn’t mean the narratives are any less authentic or meaningful. Plenary of romantic tracks to be heard here. I feel like the big win of this album, is that if it can make a city lad like myself feel a yearning for the “simpler” life after hearing its tracks, then it’s done something right.

Take It From Me

This track opens strong. The use of simple open chords and palm muted guitars in the verse, opens up room for big and thick textured choruses. I’m here for it. The country guitar leads are always cut short, to keep the listener wanting more.

Going Round

The classic delay and reverb combo is heard on those opening guitars. I like the subtle noise elements used in the percussion to provide more interest. The addition of the back up vocals are nice. Big city production, with small town narratives.

Slow Dance In A Parking Lot

This was the first track I heard of this album. So cute. I love the cheesy romantic story of this one. His vocal stands more centered than the production on this, which is great for this. Even though a lot of his tracks have a similar build/progression, you can’t deny it works for what he is doing.

Singles You Up

The up beat cheesy guitars are great, aren’t they? I am not sure there are great morals in this track, but it puts a smile on my face. Such a great hook to bring people in to this album. This is the single I have heard on the pop-country playlists.

Cha Cha Palace - Angelica Garcia (2020)

The uniqueness of this album can’t be understated. Even amongst her other albums, Garcia stands strong on this offering. It’s spiritual, it’s connected, it’s powerful. This alternative all I’m empowers South American sensibilities to an off beat indie quirk that is unique to her. The closest co parison I can draw is Animal Collective but that is tentative. The samples that she plays live are percussive and thick. She has a great chanting vocal that oscillates between commanding and sweet. I want to see her live so badly after hearing this.

I Don’t Believe In Death

This track is a call to action. It’s a commanding of truth. It’s got some powerful vibes to it and what better way to open this album. Holy moly. It is hard to match anything of that magnitude for an opening song.


The sampled steel drums as chords is super creative in this track. A truly outstanding vocal performer that empowers folk tales and power rhyme to get the point across. There are layers here, and I like it.


Wow. What a thick textured opening. The drones strings push through amongst the guerrio and digital cymbals. The vocals are catchy and again, powerful. The narrative puts a big grin on my face. What a powerhouse track.

Lucifer Waiting

The chugging guitars lead way to a deceptively great vocal performance. That hook becomes a warning more than anything. The trailing guitar scratches reminds me of Grinderman in all the best ways.

Lizzo - Special (2022)

The positivity of this album can’t be denied. Lizzo delivers a concise but amazing offering with this album. Every song is not only a bop but they thoroughly make you happy. She has a unique gift to pump up herself, and anyone listening. The production is clean and neat. I like the mix of genre backings to this pop spectacular. The party and break up tales are relatable and while not ground breaking, certainly don’t need to be. The short length keeps you wanting more. As a little side note, the music videos released so far, are very fun.

About Damn Time

The funk vibes of this song make one’s head groove along unconsciously. There is a playfulness with the instrumentation that matches the fun and easy lyrics. What fun!

I Love You Bitch

I love the piano opening of this. It’s a cute little story that makes me chuckle. The simple but anthemic chorus is a mantra that everyone should keep in mind on those rough, low days.


The streamlined guitar opening with vibraphones are really lovely. The space is needed. The vocal performance here is great. A nice little addition with horns and drum fills that are reminiscent of early sun music. A ballad when you don’t expect one.

Birthday Girl

Another boppy party anthem. It’s never enough in my opinion. A cute little chorus here also. The horns are fantastic that help push up the otherwise fairly thin chorus. So fun!


Roll For Vigilante v.01


Roll For Priest v.04