Roll For Priest v.04

You read it here first, I am skipping past the changes in v.03 and moving right onto v.04. See some additions below. Still playlets content but see version update here. Roll For Priest v.04


Level up

  • At the end of each adventure, you gain one ability or extra use of an ability, determined by a roll on the level up table. 

level up table


Social and Exploratory Checks

  • To complete a task successfully you must get a total of 6 from your dice rolled.

    • Checks can be reactive and active choices.

    • Checks are only important when failure is interesting, time is an issue or things are dangerous.

    • Gear might affect the skill used to roll

  • If you roll a total of 12, you double the success of your check. If you roll a total of 18, one of your Other abilities are restored.

  • 1 other person can help you by providing 1 dice if it makes sense.

Other abilities

All other abilities will have complications on failed checks, as determined by your Game Master. Uses “Priest” for checks.

  • You get a series of Prayers you check and have 3 powers that are a conversation between you and game master in scope - you can only use each one successfully once in an adventure - once successful you no longer have access to it. Roll on the table 3 time when building your character. If you get a repeat roll, then you have another use of it per adventure.

  • Call For Help - once per session you may ask for your god’s aid - it succeeds automatically if you make a promise, offering or sacrifice to your god. It’s blessing within the circumstances is up to the Game Master.

  • You may attempt to Turn (force to flee) your chosen god’s “evil” (usually opposite to goal/domain) - once successful per session.

  • You may attempt to Resurrect someone once per session - if successful you will bring them back with a twisted flavour of your god. 


Combat Checks

  1. Roll for initiative

  2. 1 action as per check above and a move

  3. If hit, roll to see if you’re wounded and/or killed (as appropriate) with a -2 penalty per time hit (reset if healed)

tables for prayer snack equipment in Roll For Priest

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One Word Character Generator