Test Resolution System For One-Page RPG
For an upcoming one-page Tabletop Roleplaying Game project, I have been playing through testing a new system for the game. While not giving away the time of the game, I wanted to explain the system for core resolution. The main game has several core Attributes. These are typical stats that you would see in other games.
Core Resolution System - Check
PCs roll the addition of a D10 (the Core Dice) and the relevant Attribute Dice, in checks to beat a D20 roll. Values over the d20 roll are subtracted from the Challenge Total (set by the GM). Values under the D20 roll are subtracted from the PC’s relevant Attribute Meter. If Core and Attribute Dice separate numbers or total match, it’s a critical success; doubling Challenge Total reduction. PCs get 1 action and move per turn to lower the Challenge Total.
The Attributes & Attribute Meters
Once an Attribute Meter is half full, tick the roleplay Condition. All Attribute Dice checks on that meter are rolled twice, selecting the lower (a Burden). At empty, it cannot be used. Meters refill each Quest. Some Abilities roll the Attribute dice twice and select the higher value (an Edge). Scene actions are variety per context that is listed.
Geo Master & Solo-Play Materials
GMs don’t roll dice, just set Challenge Total. Challenge Total: Easy 8 Moderate 14 Hard 18 x PC
Situational Check Modifier: Burden/Edge Core D10
Play test
In play test I had to clarify out the Challenge total reduction being cumulative. A successful check was not beating the d20 roll and then that difference value needed to be over the challenge total. It whittled away the value over time. It all has to be quite succinct, as it has to fit on one page with other stuff. It is an interesting system, because the challenges and GM do not take turns. The game is player facing and the damaged caused to PCs is entirely self causing. With some play testing done, I am happy to move forward with the design. Looking forward to sharing once the game jam is done.