Tabletop Roleplaying Game Loot Tables

Everybody loves items and loot in their tabletop role playing games. Below I have included a variety of genres. I have decided to start including some pieces on the blog regarding tabletop role playing games (TTRPGs) as they are a huge creative outlet for me. Let me know your thoughts on their inclusion.


Scifi Items


  1. Rocket-backpack 3d6 use worth of fuel

  2. translator earplugs with pocket language computer – 1/6 does not work

  3. 10,000 in fake credits (check to recognize)

  4. Hypoinjector with truth serum, d6 shots

  5. Massive roll of duct tape

  6. 1-meter-square grav plate – turbo lift



Fantasy Items 


  1. An ancient kobold’s breastplate

  2. Finely embroidered slippers with tree images on them

  3. White spider silk gloves

  4. A saddle for a large brown bear

  5. A hand mirror with a cat image on the back

  6. A chess set with pieces depicting halflings eating



Modern Items 


  1. A quality pen and card set

  2. An analogue thermometer

  3. A first aid kit d6 uses

  4. 12gb SD card (used)

  5. A really good Jazz CD

  6. Sheet music book for a stoned 70s musician



Historical items


  1. A 1940s typewriter

  2. d6 cigarettes and matching metal holder

  3. Rabbits foot keychain

  4. A tribal mask from a far off land, carved from a single piece of wood

  5. A small ivory bust depicting a veiled woman on one side, and empty on the other

  6. Small book with poems



Misc Items


  1. A snorkel

  2. An iron

  3. A jigsaw puzzle of a planet

  4. A branded shirt

  5. A knife

  6. A wicker basket



“Useless” Magical Items



  1. Paprika Shaker - A spice shaker that never runs out of slightly stale dried paprika, only comes out from shaker end, lid can’t be removed

  2. Sound sword - A sword that when raised or removed from sheath yells “in the name of the royal bloodline” really apathetically. It also makes a pathetic “Schwing” noise when clashed with another weapon

  3. Weather Stone – A small pebble that tells you what the weather is currently, right now in your immediate vicinity

  4. Pen of Yellow and Blue – a pen that can change the colour of its ink to blue or yellow, randomly, even as you are writing with it

  5. Jolly Emu – This stuffed Emu tells you a nihilistic fact or phrase when squeezed that is meant to put things into a positive perspective – as per the realm of joyful nihilism. It has been known to be wildly depressing

  6. Dart set of close shots – a dart set that when thrown, almost hits your intended target, but not quite


Minor Magical Items 


  1. Spoons of taste – lets you have an easier modifier to all cooking checks

  2. Chest of the Mundane -  Anything placed inside it is covered with an illusion that makes it look worthless and boring.  

  3. Cane of the Aristocrat - When you click it to the ground, your clothes become clean, your skin becomes perfumed, and your hair is styled.

  4. Ever burning candle – it cannot be put out

  5. Scales of the merchant – gives an easy modifier to all haggle checks

  6. Camera of time – when an photo is taken of a place, it shows the most memorable moment in time 



Major Magical Items 


  1. Natural Disaster Cube – Each side has an etch of a weather pattern on it. Press that side (1 use per side) to activate that natural disaster in your immediate surroundings. 1 Tsunami  2 Cyclone  3 Earthquake  4 Bush Fire. 5 Major Storm   6 Drought and Dust Storm

  2. Perm Prison – Throw at someone to put them in a box that removes them from time. They can’t take damage, they won’t age and they won’t die. They can’t be interacted with.

  3. Matrix of Illusion – create a complex illusion – up to 20 m2for D6 turns.

  4. Hourglass of Resurrection – Can return someone from death, until the hourglass runs out. D6 hours.

  5. Bond Bands – 2 people wear these rings. They know each other’s location at all times, can communicate telepathically and they split all damage and corruption between each other.

  6. Jelly Cube – a ½ m2 cube that will dissolve anything it touches (outside of it’s carry case) in D6 turns.



Roll For Priest - Indie TTRPG v0.1


Generative Composition Tables