Tabletop Character Design - Underworld & Cave

This week, I continue my collection of character design tables for different genres in tabletop role playing games. I write about post apocalyptic and science fiction games set in underground caves and underworlds characters below.

Character Archetypes (d6 x 2 for choice)

Table 1

  1. Dark Dwarves

  2. Ooze People

  3. Scout

  4. Rock Person

  5. Cave Hermit / Mushroom Alchemist

  6. Fungi Person

Table 2

  1. The sneaky Beast Person / Humanoid Spider

  2. Deep Diviner

  3. Mother of the dark ones

  4. Vermin tamer

  5. Mind Snatcher

  6. The Sightless Gloom Warrior

Look (d6)

  1. Covered in mud and soil

  2. Strangely clean and perfect

  3. Covered in markings

  4. A stick of a being

  5. Wide eyed and curious

  6. Disheveled

Personality (d6)

  1. Alone inside

  2. Sweet and innocent

  3. Quiet and with purpose

  4. Content and wise

  5. Alert and perceptive

  6. Tired and droning

Flaw (d6)

  1. Zealous for the under-rulers

  2. Crazed

  3. Short attention span

  4. Forgetful

  5. Feels defeated often

  6. Inept

Reason To Adventure (d6)

  1. Take the shinies

  2. Discover the scientific future

  3. See the outside

  4. Experiences are everything

  5. To stick it to the rulers

  6. By command of the rulers


Tabletop Character Design - Ocean and Island


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