Tabletop Character Design - Ocean and Island

This week, I continue my collection of character design tables for different genres in tabletop role playing games. I write about island, fantasy and open ocean games.

Character Archetypes (d6 x 2 for choice)

Table 1

  1. Pirate

  2. Mer-person

  3. Naval Commander

  4. Coastal Hermit Mage

  5. Sea Matey

  6. Tough Bar Keep

Table 2

  1. Lighthouse Theorist

  2. The Sea Nobility

  3. Ocean Merchant

  4. Reef Guardian

  5. Sea Beast-Person

  6. Sea Scientist/Biologist

Look (d6)

  1. Well groomed and clean

  2. Bleached and squinting

  3. Shiny and slick

  4. Functional

  5. Covered in rocks and barnacles

  6. Rugged and salt washed

Personality (d6)

  1. Thoughtful and deep

  2. Very pragmatic

  3. Instinctive and reliable

  4. Restless and outgoing

  5. Uncomplicated and clear

  6. Rowdy and Friendly

Flaw (d6)

  1. Love struck

  2. Has to be near the ocean to be happy

  3. Unempathetic and Dominant

  4. Envious

  5. Abstract and incomprehensible

  6. Aggressive and brutish

Reason To Adventure (d6)

  1. Find the sea creature of a lifetime

  2. The journey is more important than the outcome

  3. Find the secrets within

  4. To explore new places

  5. Seek out new peoples and love



Ten Haikus


Tabletop Character Design - Underworld & Cave