RPG Virtual Tabletop & Turn Order Tracker Proof of Concept

This week I will wrote about a trial patch I made. It is a proof of concept Max Patch for a RPG virtual table top and matching initiative tracker. You can pick up the patch on the Resources page. More than anything, this was an experiment on process and development.

This patch allows a game master to load a map and move some tokens around. Some features include:

  • Drag and drop map file loading

  • 4 PC, 4 NPC, & 2 environmental tokens with changeable names and colour differentiation

  • A pen with adjustable nib size and colour

  • Turn tracker boxes for combatants

  • Notes section for combatants

I would look at adding in the following in the future:

  • Removable tokens/combatants

  • Turn number tracker when all actions done

  • A removable grid

  • A removable close/near/far circle measure

A showcase of the patch!


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