RiftWalker Luminvale Campaign - Session 0 & Rules

This week, we did our session 0 for the new campaign of RiftWalker. In my last post I spoke about some of the reasons why it was time to change to new campaign. This week I go through the worlds overview and how I handled the all important Session 0. This was an excellent way to set expectations and build characters together, to make sure they fit the themes of the campaign. I wanted to use the opportunity to share some basic guides to play so that you could play along at home. Email me if you have any thoughts on the play test.

Session 0 & World Guide

Player Rules

Game Master Rules

Sly Flourish

One of my biggest influences is the writer Sly Flourish, he provided some templates that I gave to my players. He haled give an outline for the Session 0 and one page Campaign guide that I could modify for the session. His inspirational reading can be found at: One Page Campaign Guide & Running Session Zeros.

Campaign guide and Session 0

I set up some universal truths of the setting and the worlds they could travel to and build characters from. These truths hint a large issue with the world, outline some history of the world and the role their characters play in it. It includes the touchstones of the setting and the type of captain. I was specific to make sure the crew knew they could develop the world, that most of the character concepts and the worlds were only built in a limited format so that they could build whatever they want. I didn’t want characters that were too dark/edgy, or didn’t want to adventure, so I had to be explicit about it.


  • The many worlds of Luminvale are filled wonder, whimsy and beg to be explored, though few have.

  • The peoples of Luminvale have been disconnected and few have traversed the worlds.

  • RiftWalkers are that of legend, meant to reunite the worlds. Though not all people believe in them or wish them to succeed.

  • Songs of Discord of unknown origin, play throughout the worlds, sewing pain and chaos to peoples there.

The overall theme of the game is much lighter than the last campaign of RiftWalker. This setting is filled with wonder, lighthearted adventures, whimsical and mythological NPCs. Travelling will be a great part of the setting, and will allow us to try new worlds frequently, through using the Rifts. The game will feature uniting the great worlds and collecting their seals. Campaign Touchstones: Never Ending Story, Labyrinth, Wizard of Oz, Spirited Away, Deltora Quest


Ancient Pastures

Wind swept, open expansive plains; spotted with grass covered stones, old gears and ancient steam tech to be found. The long-lost civilisation brings promise of knowledge hidden over the horizons.

Touchstones: Legend of Zelda, Colostle, Dark Crystal Character ideas: wild ranger, gear forger, construct, homely half’er, myth-weaver, sacred knight
Genres: mythic fantasy, steam punk

Settlement: Steamreach Citadel – a mechanical crawling way point for folks to stop in and refresh after a long day of travel.

Plunder Coast

A coastline of unexplored bays, coves, and a deep ocean. Its rugged cliffs hide many mysterious to be discovered. The ocean holds secrets not known to peoples of Luminvale.

Touchstones: Banjo-Tooie, Abzu, Pirates of the Caribbean
Character ideas: fish-folk, pirate, ocean druid, sea- shanty tellers, merchant, sea-biologist

Genres: fantasy, swashbuckler
Settlement: Marron Town – a port town filled with tough-necks and explorers of the seas.

Iron Peaks and Enduring Wastes

A mountain range of jagged hardened clay that leads to the endless desert where wanderers scavenge what remaining resources can be found. The shifting sands require great survival. The mountains hide many places to discover.

Touchstones: Mad Max, Return to OZ, Lord of the Rings
Character ideas: half giant, mountain dwarf, cave yeti, wasteland wanderer, orator of the wastes, mutant-folk

Genres: fantasy, post apocalypse
Settlement: Halls of the Under King – The great halls of a dwarven king that was taken from the stone ogres of beforetime.

Sky Islands

Great clouds above the lands require those who are airborne. Sky floating islands can entice hoppers who explore lofty realms. Science has progressed further than most places in the mega city in the heavens.

Touchstones: Terraria, Cyberpunk 2020, Robocop Character ideas: bird-folk, elementals, skywarden, technomancers, cy-punks, politicians, cyborg cops Genres: fantasy, sci-fi city, cyber punk
Settlement: Astropolis - A futuristic mega metropolis city with social, political and technical disputes.

Caves of Wonder

A vast underground network of tunnels, with dark dwellers who slumber and live in darkness. Labyrinth corridors can be found with great unknown future technology and peoples who work toward unknown goals.

Touchstones: X-Files, Paranoia, Pan’s Labyrinth, Legend of Drizzt
Character ideas: alchemist mushroom-folk, cavern kin, future-people, drone-bot, ant-folk, gloom hunter Genres: sci-fi, mystery, fantasy

Settlement: Subterranova – a society from another time with dystopian controllers and productivity.

Whimsy Wood

A mystical enchanted forest with a great canopy above and dense under canopy; filled with ethereal beauty, ancient trees and creatures who seek enjoyment.

Touchstones: Legend, Fern Gully, David the Gnome, BBC Chronicles of Narnia
Character ideas: pixie, forest gnome, plant-folk, anthropomorphic animal, wood elf, seer witch Genres: fantasy, mythical legends

Settlement: Oakheart Haven – the trunk and branches of this great oak are home to the many noble creatures of this forest.

Important Structure Notes

Safety Tools

This game is generally PG. The adventure may feature themes of a looming threat, but not contain dark materials that can be discussed in session 0.

If at any time you don’t feel comfortable with the content or direction of the game, say “pause for a second” in chat or voice and we will stop the game and address your concerns.

Game Structure

2-hour session Thursday, weeknight after work. Will run with one missing player unless major session. Shopping done in downtime, unless purpose of

session. Roleplay a bit but eventually ask for roll to move things along. Downtime are messages handled between sessions.

Rules changes

Because the rules of RiftWalker are in flux from the play test, some rules had to be tweaked. These were mostly done for simplification of rules based on feedback. I also had to remove corruption as it was irrelevant to the setting. It was replaced with a Renown system.

Turn Order – Turn order will be changed to allow for more tactical decisions, group communication and narrative focus. (see document – your side, my side – narrative).

Pool Slots – Pool Slots have been simplified. Endurance - number of gear slots you can carry. WillPower - number of new mental skills you can acquire.

Recovery - Each RW can take an action outside of combat to recover any number of remaining END or WP points as they have in their slots. These points are recovered in Downtime with the HEAL action. All pool dice, conditions and fate renew each adventure.

Downtime – Simplified to less options: Acquire Skill – WP slot; Gain Gear – END slot; Solace – Gain an instant success next session; Heal – Criticals or Recovery Points; Chance – random event

Mind Attacks – No longer going to be melee morale damage. Now Tactics damage. These wear down thresholds of monster difficulty by reducing the number of (-) dice applied to checks.

Damage, Armour & Attacks – RWs no longer choose the pool damage comes from, it comes from the pool of the defending stat. All pools will have a damage and armour ratings, based on total number of dice. Split damage/armour however you like, up to a max of 5.

Foes – Will target each pool for different attacks and I will be consistent in type of pool to attribute to your defence checks. If you fail a defence check, you will have the effect and damage applied. Extra successes in defence checks, inflict 1 point of damage.

Renown (& Corruption no more) – Corruption and mutation is not a part of this setting. The measure of a RW in legendary standing with the worlds, either heading towards paragons of codes and altruism; or powerful beings caring for personal growth and freedom. Move on a Renown track that benefits to the whole party. This will be triggered at the completion of legends and at ‘moments of fate’ determined by the RM. Self-Focused/Freedom (Flame) // Code Following/Altruistic (Tree).

Patron and Opening Location

The group could pick between one of four patrons and the opening location was told to them. They chose:

Dorak Bigfeet. A half-giant, who is ugly and shy. He needs people to travel for him to see the world and report back.

A small settlement in the Ancient Pastures. The place where the RiftWalkers were destined to make pilgrimage to: In the vast expanse of the Ancient Pastures, amidst the wind-swept plains and grass- covered stones, stands the sacred structure: the Gearstone Circle. Like Stonehenge, this ancient monument is composed of towering stone pillars adorned with intricate carvings of gears and arcane symbols. It’s a mystical site where Rifts can be called, visions can be seen and the songs of discord cry.

The Characters and Short Meeting

We built characters and had them meet in session.

  • DJ Technomancer - a non-binary electronic musician from Astropolis. They use their sonic powers and are highly dextrous. Support. Bonded with Barnaby.

  • Barnaby - a noble gentleman who is a rough and tumble pugilist from Marron Town. They are mighty and spectacular in their strength. Warrior. Bonded with DJ Technomancer.

  • Sally Forth - a powerful woman who is a performer/necromancer from Astropolis. She uses her unique flair to get what she wants. Controller. Bonded with Socko.

  • Socko - a former sorcerer who had transformed into a zombie sock puppet. From Caves of Wonder, they use their unique magic to repent. Controller. Bonded with Sally Forth.

They all heard the call of their ability to RiftWalk and met at the Gearstone Circle. They have met their bonds on the way, and been told by Dorak that they need to get the gates/gears working to make sure their destiny can be fulfilled.

It was amazing to see my players all on board with the new setting. Not only did they make characters in the style of this; they accepted my burn out and the lighter vibes I wanted. I am so happy to have players that I do. They are so creative and easy to bounce off. Thanks gang, you know who you are.


ABCDungeon Tactical Generator v0.4 & Interesting Considerations


RiftWalker Campaign - Overview and Thoughts (32-34)