ABCDungeon Tactical Generator v0.4 & Interesting Considerations
Dusar the Ranger! Some gear that was collected, and the bonus added to scores. He played with higher Determination and Agility, so favouring Hide, Movement, Archery and Specials.
Time Away & Play Test
This week I have had fun revisiting my ABCDungeon Tactical Generator. This game was super fun when I last played hit, but it was a while ago. One day on the way home from work, I had some time to flick through version 0.3. It was amazing that, because it had been so long since reading it; the game had ‘left my head’. Meaning the details of its exact rules had gone. I only had memories of how the game worked in small snippets. In reading through it again, there were many little typos and inconsistencies that I note below that I wanted to fix up. There was also a massive question that I had realised I made a mistake for in the write up. The character sheets had a total___ section that was completely not needed, and only copied over by mistake from the monster sheets. This made me so confused about the core resolution system. It implied that the character had a modifier that should be added to each dice roll when attacking and defending; that there was a passive score to roll at the start such as order, health, equip and move; and that there was a 3rd passive score that was needed? This was not the case and after reconsulting my previous posts - I realised it was a total error. This was ironic my blog post about this says It also meant I had to really know the rules “as written” and not “keep them in my head”.
From this point I decided to play again and see what I could update and what I got enjoyment from. I really enjoyed the game overall. I found several tiny tweaks to be done. I realised that I wanted to add a focus option to the game, to create another tactical depth piece. It makes the game much tighter. I definitely had some good wins and losses with the game. Losing more than winning. I played 9 more sessions. It showed me the depth of tactical choices in the game. Super engaging and wanting to be replayed. One particular challenge I played many times. I added in a quick class guide for even quicker play - for character creation. Monsters being given a quick level base number allowed for quicker play too. There is an interesting thing about this game that I rather enjoy; every time I think I have found the “best stat”, something else catches my attention. I thought movement and avoiding combat was the best strategy. This is great for the opening game, if you are getting to the treasure. It does not get you very far, once monsters inevitably see you. I thought archery, with tough damage was the way. It is not once a foe gets in combat with you. Clever can yield you lots of gear and some dope spells, but won’t help if you can’t move fast. Determination can’t attack, so it uses the base stat of the ability, so there is balance. Brawn is great against most foes, but again, you can’t stay in combat all game, as you will inevitably lose all your health. What a great outcome.
Check out the play test v0.4 document here.
My tavern map that I played through several times, with different variations.
Previous posts
Previous Thought Additions
I wanted to see what I had thought would come next time, and if I still thought if needed it.
Turning at the end of turn, and associated rules: backstab, facing for attacks - haven’t been able to make it work so far without it being too fiddly.
This was decided not to be gone with as it purely is not necessary in the slightest. Maybe one day something will click. But not at the moment.
Distance for ranges - could be longer
I decided not to do this in the end as it really is a place for play improvement - it makes you want to increase your stats to continue getting further away.
Always checking for Hide checks - often tedious, would like to see a better way that keeps it as a character option.
I did decide to change this. One roll is made at the top of each round. It checks for all creatures.
Using custom dice for dungeon generation (explicitly mentioning), and tweaking the rules for creation.
Below I have noted that I want to list that custom generation tools and pre-made adventures are perfectly suited for this, as a simple skirmish game - done in the text.
Maybe a fortify option - a way to build a block over many turns.
I decided not to go for this - It is an item to build and a collectible to be found, there is also a spell for this.
Original Design Goals
It is important to check in every now and again, to check if the game is meeting my original design goals set in blog post 1?
Generative but Meaningful - I wanted the game to be limitless replayable
There is so much replay value with this game. I have adequately succeeded here.
Quick but Deep - I wanted the game to be quick setup and play time but have meaningful choices
Once I have added the class and quick monster guide, I have dramatically made this more likely.
Tactical but Narrative inducing - I wanted the game to have tactical choices but have those choices reflect an in game narrative in play and on reflection
I find that the game is a great tactical puzzle. Things like the “rogue like” random elements make every tactical. The narrative is not like a rpg. I never make choices as my character. This is ok, I find it better to talk about narratives, post the encounters. I will count this as a win again!
Old School but not Tedious - I wanted the game to reflect the old school board games and video games, with less book keeping
I think it is actively ‘old school’ in the design. It is tactical and there is plenty of chance elements. I think the tedium has reduced with auto generated characters. This will continue to be refined, but overall quite on track.
Changes for v0.4
Falling “that many levels of damage”
Hide top of round, but then triggered if within 2 squares, combat or trap is done within 4 squares - spell makes combat within 6 squares
Why is fast tinker 2 repair, what if you have 1 armour, should it just be, gain 2 armour or does that make less sense? UP TO 2 ARMOUR
Do we need flank and backstab? - really I just edited the text to make intention clearer
Tactical transposition one and +2
Collapsible trap needs from
What does obstacles mean
Put numbers against actions so that confuse power makes sense and is easy
Monsters should have base difficulty like level 1 is 3+mod etc for faster setup rather than roll for each, roll is nice and more random in difficulty but would be quicker for setup - like the initial design goals
obstacles mentions walls - list it can’t be climbed. Put walls in generation rules
Special features of rooms
Supporter - maybe melee weapon might change to imply something different
Spell scrolls capitalize in spell casters list of monsters
When to roll random obs/treasure - when step on it
Does it matter that quick move and tinker have no roll???
Monster quick stats should have gear
Tactical position to allow attack to get +1 like can I focus or something to enable next attack to hit?
Equip min 1 - in fact all passives minimum 1
Move is +1 move needed for obstacle level climb or drop if carefully moving through it
Potential Additions for v0.5
More tactics
More life path ideas: Random starting gear for 1st mission based on class, or a ransom piece of treasure.
Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing properties
Heavy/Slow and Light/Fast Property properties
Other mission types:
Timed games (get bonuses before final combat, or have set time limit),
Defend/fortify location,
Save the prisoners (collect tokens)
Find the loot - fake tokens to find a chosen piece of treasure you are searching for
More Spells (need 6 more):
Bless Weapon
More Special Attacks (need 6 more):
Leader (give action)
Trip Attack
Stop spell