Riftwalker Campaign - Overview and Thoughts (Sessions 18-20)

Session 18: The Rebel Ship and the Prophecy

The group followed up an old lead from the cyber store to find an MS DOS style pc terminal that had a maze inside. Being pulled into the machine through Ralph’s use of the terminal, the group became 2D and entered the maze. There they overcame many challenges, include a gorilla throwing barrels, a riddle and an old man in robes who said Khazgan would need a buckler to overcome a challenge. Getting through eh maze, the group was pulled back into the Sci-fi Future World on board a rebel ship that had been stolen from an evil corporation. After some tense moments with the ragtag group, they decided to help. Esbara assisted an older man who had taken a fall, Khazgan read a star chart, Zadymka fired the cannons, Ralph met a little robot friend who warned him about “not letting it take over”. Diana, the captain told the group they were investigating the Derelict Dreadnaught to get information on the evil Smile Corporation. X the wisened, found out he was the man in the maze that gave Khazgan the shield, but didn’t know why. We found out his Father may have been a Doomsayer Priest in RPA. Boarding the vessel, the group headed for the navigation and archive room, by passing through a creepy bio electronic pod. Zadymka stuck his hand in the pod and lived an entire second life in a matter of moments.

Session 19: Don Fox Got Milk

The group found the crew all in stasis and the ship’s counsellor Don had awoken from stasis. Being wary of his positive nature, the group let him lead the way. Moving to the kitchens, the group was attacked by a slimy slug creature. Ralph unleashed the power of his cursed sword to full strength, Khazgan shot it from the back and Esbara wrapped it tight. Don tried to calm the creature through talking, but Zadymka eventually froze the beast to death. Making their way through the experimental bio room, Don tells them some history of the ship, being a new colony vessel, that went into stasis when there was a ship malfunction with the oxygen supply. In the room, the group found some more mutated humans and some interesting trinkets. Investigating the clunking sound in the engine room, they find another droid and the Captain who was awoken from stasis some years ago. There they found out he was not right mentally and took him to the crews quarters to talk. He has sustained him self off the slug (Mildred’s) milk and had taken the last transmission from the Smile Corporation seriously to wait. A tense stand off sent the captain flown to the back wall and the group killing him.

Session 20: Prophecy of the Derelict Dreadnaught

The group found the captain was certainly dead as they discussed Ralph’s new found power. They woke up a pilot to try and get the ship back online. Khazgan investigates the con and sees that only someone chosen can pilot the biomechanical being that is the Dreadnaught. After putting the buckler into the chair, he takes the helm and brings its power back online, beginning to pul out of orbit of the moon it surrounded. Don gave the group some gear. Khazgan connects with Smol to see through her eyes to help him disconnect from the ship. He gains control over other vessels as she gains the ability to see rifts. The group leaves the world after briefly talking with the new crew. Don takes up the role of captain aboard the vessel. After returning to RPA, they head to the Talisman Tavern for a rest. The ostrich bartender makes them all laugh. A familiar man who first met the party is there to speak with them. Sholmon has a job for them in a new world, to collect a gem from a wizard who owes him money. This gem has power over nature itself. They see that he is hiding his hand in his trousers, as the strange man tells them he is corrupted and it is frowned upon here. Esbara wants the gem, so the group decides to take up his job.


We had the pleasure of having another play for session 19. A new set of eyes showed me some interesting parts of the game:

  • Non violence is a valid option - I had thought this but the main group does not have this mindset

  • Puzzles and investigation can be more fun than boring turn based combat

  • It is good to allow the players more agency in describing action and environments that surround them


Generic Personality Statement Instead Of Alignment


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