Rift Walker 0.4 Play Test Release
Top of my character sheet
I am excited to announce that the 0.4 play test of Rift Walker is out! This article should be read in conjunction with my Evocative Adventure Preparation Structure post. After a considerable feedback session (formal and informal) with my past and present players, I have worked to create a design that fulfils the design principles that I have grown to know is needed in my game. These are the original design goals and ones I have added to my project over time.
Principles and Goals
Rules light but still ‘gamey’ elements
Way to keep excitement and flexibility through many settings, worlds, NPCs and modules
Adaptable easy stats - flexible rather than discrete
Flexible ways to increase depth in certain game sections
Modular additional rules for certain campaigns
Easy to build character
Infinitely adaptable characters, choose own flavour
Mechanics are clear and up front so GMs can adapt conditions etc for the situation
Visible components for players for tactical depth
Same actions work in and out of combat
Solo and Coop simple
Tactical manoeuvres possible to all players with narrative sense but character niche still protected
Your ability to succeed at tasks decreases as you take damage or get exhausted
Roll to hit value and damage in one roll
Interesting and fin resource management
The Process
I captured all the feedback from my players through a in depth survey, grouped them all into a spreadsheet, clarified any questions, evaluated the player’s why, determined fixes for the feedback, and then spoke through the new fixes and ways forward. It should be noted that there were times, (like normal in this process), where some feedback conflicted with others, some feedback was more a player preference and not actual design changes, and some feedback was more theme and game want that just didn’t connect with the type of game I generally run. I talk through that here. That is why it was important to clarify what players wanted and come to some agreements as a group of things to try.
An example of my spreadsheet of feedback collation
Change Log
Throughout this process there were a bunch of thigs I wanted to fix and things that my players wanted to fix. I have written through them in moderate detail in the past such as Powers in Rift Walker 0.4. These lead to the creation of a discrete list of changes and the culmination of a change log.
I and my players really wanted to do the following:
Make Powers more balanced but more flexible
Make the Conditions and Critical Wounds more understandable
Gamefy some rewards and consequences of actions
Clear up the campaign themes and goals
Make Foes more dangerous, simpler and clearer
Make Role Abilities more active instead of passive
Clarify Morale damage for upsetting foes instead of hurting them physically
Clarify the Turn Order and Recover rules
and much more!
The change log for 0.4
Watch Points
This has lead me to a short list of things to look out for and see what should be fixed in the future. A shortlist so far includes:
Powers - Should it be a dice roll that is split up between multiple effects like mods, say a 5 is 2 targets, 1 damage, 1 extra range and 1 turn?
Zones - are they clearer?
Conditions - Check if they are ok, and they still make sense later
Foes - Will they be challenging but fair? Are they too damaging? do i nreed doom or other legendary resistance type abilities? are they too nutty with the dice? should it be visible to players?
Recover - should they be in or out of combat, should the monsters recovering trigger roll from pcs
Doom - Do doom points suck
Rewards, Pool Slots and Consequences - Do they get used and clear stuff up - is abstract money ok
Future Design Goals
There are of course things that I would like to work on in the future. These include:
More with the pool of dice take and give - maybe each role has a way to burn dice or gain them from pools - should this be in a Role? Or General rule?
Clarify the unified Role Ability Choices – some are similar, should there be a choice per role for some structures or should they be in the role structure?
Clear up consequences - Do we want Doom points, or just narrative effects?
Update foes in line with picture - do we want Threat that can be attacked? explain the new monster style
Should money still be abstract as a resource or kept as money - Should money be an abstract resource or do you prefer to count coins?
Xp - getting it - should it be completing adventures of yours or does everyone e get it in equal measures
Kits of opeing build rewards in background - like the bard that gets romantic interest, a flute, a resource of flirting, and the skill of musicality
Develop and write out optional rules
Develop and write out the GM section on how to build the campaign, worlds, adventures (sessions etc) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 method? Or Cards Method
Guardian role - make active choice and benefit to defence, make it applicable in and out of combat, remove warrior boon to might defence checks?
Notes about adding guidance on powers with multiple actions and reflect different scene types narrative complex montage // how to make legends
Develop and write out the GM section on session structure etc, randoim tables to help me in my prep
Push your luck optional but it’s a devils bargain
Spend recovery for critical wounds?
Get people to pick their fun complex or not… powers could be defined and more powerful or flexible and more complex/limited - does focus already do this? People pick their fun, can’t do same action 2 times, but can spend both actions on the same thing to reroll up to half your dice - remove focus as needed action, if no dice roll needed in action (like move), double its effect
Different Downtime activity for each role?
Campaign sheets solo, session, world etc
Files and Thoughts
I hope you all enjoyed my process thoughts and the design iterations. I want you to download the play test files and let me know what you think. Shoot through your thoughts to matt@matthewdavisprojects.com