Monster Maker and Turn Order Tracker - Excel

Today I have been working on a turn order (initiative) tracker and monster maker for RiftWalker. I want to keep it light and easy to use at the table, so I decided against any additional complexity. I might add more features, after further play test.

Screenshot of the Monster maker and turn order tracker in excel

There are many features in their design:


  • HP and Morale Damage Tracker

  • An easy to use design that I would typically write down

  • Multiple of same creature type easy to implement

Monster Maker

  • Monster name and challenge (which impacts other fields)

  • Armour for both WP and END

  • Pool totals

  • Attacks with optional traits and descriptions

  • Monster titles that give various modifiers to them

  • Elite and Basic Foes, with varying complexity

Dice Roller

  • Easy to track, up to 10d6 Dice pool roller - which effects monster design

  • Counts highest in pool, lowest, sum and number of 6s (successes in my game)

Download here


RiftWalker Campaign - Overview and Thoughts (Sessions 24-27) + Bonus Halloween One-Shot


Solo-Roleplay Adventure Log 1