ABCDungeon Tactical Generator v0.3

character sheet fr ABCDungeon Tactical Generator

This week I present the long awaited update to the ABCDungeon Tactical Generator! March was the last update. Download the play test document here. Hit me up for your feedback.

The game has seen a few updates, including:

  • Changes to monster procedure

  • Engaged monster combat rules cleaned up

  • Backed into corners more tactical presentation of choice

  • Finished off table 5 and 6 of treasure

  • Added collapsible trap and obstacles

  • Adjusted special attacks and spells

  • Explicitly labelled a character generation section

  • Reordered the document for readability

  • Revamped map generation

  • Added Monster templates I have often used - and a better image template

  • A new character sheet - slightly better formatted!

I would still like to explore the following:

  • Turning at the end of turn, and associated rules: backstab, facing for attacks - haven’t been able to make it work so far without it being too fiddly.

  • Distance for ranges - could be longer

  • Always checking for Hide checks - often tedious, would like to see a better way that keeps it as a character option.

  • Using custom dice for dungeon generation (explicitly mentioning), and tweaking the rules for creation.

  • Maybe a fortify option - a way to build a block over many turns.


Solo-Roleplay Adventure Log 1


Sonic Experiment #329 Iterations