The Drone Countdown

Over the last six week, I have been counting down to the big event of my 300th Live Takes. This is a a special occasion so I thought I would put together a small countdown to celebrate. I have put together 6 drone works that are aptly named to countdown 5 different style (2 being a 2 part piece). Here is the explanation of the works.

Live Takes: 5 Drones For Work

An experiment into time effected delayed drones. This is only the beginning. I love the lofi sound.

This is a test of a new interface (as shown in the visuals), explanation of it here:

The work is has 5 drones that weave into a single force. It has lofi crackle, hiss and distortion. It is a warm hug on a winter’s night to my ears. The drones move slowly to where they need to be. Technology is the warmth. The five are right where they need to be.

Live Takes: Drones 4 The Big Ones

A long form drone work with accompanying thoughts - on my blog: link in bio.

The link to the accompanying poetic thoughts are here:

This track is an extended drone. The many textures slowly layer over time to give the audience a sense of satisfaction. A brief moment of pause brings clarity. There are 4 in total and move in an out of the audiences’ mind. When in doubt, sit back and just pull the cable.

Live Takes: 3 Drones 3 Modulators

Stress inducing drone work that explores 3 x 3 x 3.

These drones are tough and wild. They come to the listener with purpose and aggression. The fast modulators and carriers bring disarray to the work. It begins to slow down and help pacify. The work modulates speed and rhythm to great effect. There is a set of 3 drones with 3 different modulation points. The pitches are clashing and it is great. 3 on top, 3 throughout.

Live Takes: Drones 2x2 Part 1

A mixture of 2 different drone generators coming together to form as 1. Part 1.

The beginning of a 2 parter. There is a clicking texture that speeds up and down over time. The ‘throbbing’ of this distorted texture is disorientating and panic inducing. It has waves of powerful, slightly more ‘pitched’ moments that really bring in the heat. It is merged with a higher pitched drone that keeps the work feeling more ‘together’. Two is better than one, but becomes one.

Live Takes: Drones 2x2 Part 2

A mixture of 2 different drone generators coming together to form as 1. Part 2.

This shorter work encompasses a feeling of dread and panic in a more strong way than its sister work. The pitch is higher in the second drone, to begin. It moves down. It throbs, it collides. The background noise starts stronger and backs off with time. Giving you time to breath before it sets forth once more. Let the two begin and end was one.

Live Takes: 1 Drone for One

Filling the head with pleasantries. Once and for all.

This nearly 3 minute work, is the last in the series. It uses the idea that a single drone can be more complex than first thought. There are really 6 separate drones at work here, creating a static 2 textured timbre. There is a piercing rectangle wave drone holding over a warbling and distorted 5 layer drone. This single sound sustains for the entire piece. It captures a frame of thought that makes one want to feel the feelings captured for an entire week. I can process those thoughts through this sonic lens and think of nice things to come. Grounding.


Live Takes: 300


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