Live Takes: 300

This week I release my 300th Live Takes. What an achievement for myself. I started this project to originally force myself to create something new every week. That means that I would need to keep myself accountable to uploading and sharing creative work with you all, every week. After 5 and 3/4 years. We have reached a new point for myself. This kind of practice embodies the mentality of ‘Keep up the work’ that I drill into so often with readers here. I think about how my work has evolved and changed over time. Looking back, I see that I have dipped back into old creative muses, and moved to places I never thought I would. Genre, gear, inspiration, location and folks around me, all culminate and show what I have been thinking as a video archive for my life over this time.

Thank you to all those that have supported me and listened to any of these works. You really mean a lot to m. I thought I would share with you the link to view all of my Live Takes if you would like to watch the archive. See bottom of this page.

This work is an extended drone piece that pulls timbres in an out of the listener’s point of view. With the help of panning, reverb and distortion. The work embodies the continued love and place for ambient drone in my work and life. The visuals show the use of my Set Drone XL Max Patch that uses a Novation Launch Control XL Mk2 to control many drone sub-patches.

Live Takes: 300

An extended drone spectacular that celebrates the 300th Live Takes by Nervous Plaything.


Thoughts For A Young Manager


The Drone Countdown