Solo Games - March 2024 Log

I have recently been trying out a few different Solo and cooperative focussed games. This is broadly down to the tactical skirmish and the roleplaying genres of games. It is important to note that good version so these games require many variants to mechanics, resolutions, oracles and structures; to keep them interesting and stop them becoming repetitive. I won’t list all the board games that come to mind of this list as to keep the scope down. I write a few lessons and lists log of games I have tried and are yet to try below.

I have played a number of my own games solo:

  • RiftWalker - this includes 2 separate party members and multiple game structure types. I have used oracles from many different sources. You can read about adventures thus far here and here. I have so many more adventure structures I want to try solo, like heists, tower defence and mysteries. These require some different ‘bolt on’ mechanics to keep things interesting and allow for the type of session to be played solo.

  • ABCDungeon Tactical generator - this has gone through a few edits. I have also played it co-op and solo! Read about the latest play test here. I like that this seems to scratch the itch for ‘rogue like’ games, as there is a random element to the stats.

I have played a few different solo/co-op games:

  • Badger and Coyote - thoughts on this to come!

  • Sweaters with Hedgehog - read my thoughts on that here - this was a great game

  • Dungeons and Dragons - multiple game books and solo adventures - the ruleset is a little dense for what I am looking for in a solo game. When it is this dense, it makes it hard for me to come back again to it. While I have done many of these, I recall a few adventures and series that were quite good: The Wolves of Langston and The Death Knight’s Squire series.

  • Lone Wolf game books - these had some good choose your own style and strongly allowed for custom logging - the most novel thing I found was that the books had a random number selector that allowed you to play if you didn’t have dice.

  • Disciples of Bone and Shadow - I really love the variance of tables and oracles in this book. I do not like the complexity of the rules in it though. Hard for me to bring to the table when it is quite slow to resolve basic tasks. I generally use this book for tables and adventures of other games.

These are the games I desperately want to play:

  • Rangers of Shadowdeep

  • Solo Heroscape

  • One Ring - with the Strider rules

  • Ironsworn

  • 2D6 Dungeon

  • Mork Borg - Solo defilement rules

  • A number of journalling games I really want to go through that is a list too long to have here.

I write these here as a promise to my future self to play them and report back to the group one day.


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