RiftWalker Luminvale Campaign Overview & Thoughts (4)

Calm the Crying Storm Elemental

The group stepped through the rift to the edge of the city of Astropolis, DJ and Sally knew they were home. The group laid eyes on the epic mega sci-fi future-scape and those not from here were amazed. They knew they had to make their way off the main city onto one of the small floating isles. A great storm was ravaging the skies and the group know they needed to do something about it. After picking the fan men as transport over the expensive airship, they go to know their carriers. Taking a flight, Socko and Sally had some trouble sin the air, dodging the storm and maintaining altitude, they dropped below the clouds to fight off some vulture men who tried to attack them. Sally summoned a ghost and blasted them, while Socko summoned a shadow illusion to distract one. Sparks flew as Sally grew closer to the fan man carrying her. Reaching the rocky isle, the group would confronted by a crying storm elemental who was a raging storm. They found, through taking to her that the elemental was upset because her cloud giant boyfriend left her. She was upset and feeling really low about herself. Between the upbeat music of DJ, jokes form Barnaby and Socko, and words of sincere encouragement from Sally, they were eventually able to talk her down. As she calmed down, some nice rainbows appeared as the group gave her some inspiration and some really sound advice. The group got back to the main isle and Sally had a tender moment talking through her gender identity with her new found love interest.

Due to some scheduling conflicts and life, it has been a while between sessions. We have had a lot of fun with the new campaign so far. The group has gotten a chance to get to know the setting and the change of pace in the theme. The rules are fitting in well, but we have not had a huge amount of difference in the expanded rules used so far. Play testing is a bit of a continuous process, and I hope to keep the test happening, refining and tweaking. One day I will release this work, when it is ready.


Roll To End This Torment Release


Great Diviner Games & Dungeon of the Doomed