Rift Walker Luminvale Campaign Overview & Thoughts 11-12
The final Rift room.
Overview and Thoughts
We got back to regular play and I could not be more excited. It was bittersweet as we have lost a regular player. We are still trying to find a time for last session with them. In the mean time, these sessions were great as I adapted a JP Coovert adventure to my world. What a great adventure. Easy to adjust and do what I needed too, with the right amount of whimsy. It was a time of feeling if there was too much lore dumping from my adjustments to it, but also the crew seemed to love it. I have later found out that is a core reason people keep coming back. More on that in a later blog. The combat was basically its own session and I was ok with that. It shows I want to adjust some combat stuff. The blocking of players powers is a bit too punitive in my opinion and I want to adjust that. Not sure how yet, but we will adapt! We tried the new role abilities that worked super well. I am happy with their overall power. I am mostly just trying tor reconcile RWs powers vs monsters so that the players feel cool but they don’t lock them down too much.
The Errant Tower
Did a great session figuring out what happen. The group found out about a wizard who used to be a RW but left to do a great task. Their tower appeared, and they investigated. They found a door that was sentient and wanted to be fed. Barnaby took a deal with them the go to the kitchen and get it food if the door let them in. Stepping through the door it acted as a rift. They investigated the dining hall and found the door food, but found a ghost of a wizard named Faravad who gave them a vague message. After exploring a magical library and finding some cool books they learn of a great spell that can duplicate oneself and one that can seal something away. DJ and Socko get visions of a Wizard being killed. They investigate a broom closet and find some cool coats and a key. They investigate a bedroom and validate their concerns, all the while seeing messages of this ghost. They meet a cool cat familiar. Picking up a magic conch shell they accidentally destroyed the wizard’s model ships but managed to save one. Finally they find that they can use the key with the door to unlock a rift gate room. The group meets a full ghost that explains he split himself in two, one without emotions to kill souls to lock away the great sad music and Maestro of Discord. The clone killed him. The clone returns and threatens the party. The party wants to fight the wizard. Faravad 1 wants 2’s staff to try and bring himself back.
The Ancient Rift Walker
The crew sprang into action, dodging all the variety of attacks that came from the 7 rifts in the room. Mutant bikies from the desert, pixies making Socko and Barnaby small (by choice) and finally a giant worm that the group recognised (and the worm dodged Barnaby). The Master started by splitting in to many, that the group made short work of. He teleported around and smashed out some arcane blasts that eventually did critically would Socko, breaking his legs. The group did some excellent fighting, Barnaby grappled and punched, Socko read his mind and paralysed him. DJ shattered some of the rifts and let the ghost of Faravad free. Eventually the group was able to push the wizards together and shatter his staff, enabling the ghost of the original to take over the body of the Master. They were offered, in reward some pieces for his tower and plenty of knowledge of their quest. They found out that they need to reunite the Seals and Luminvale. They will need to face off against the Maestro of Discord. They found out that the Whimsy Wood, Enduring Wastes and Iron Peaks are future places to visit. It was a tree kind of mission. Down time was the usual learning affair.