Rift Walker Luminvale Campaign Overview & Thoughts 10-10.5
This week I discuss the latest online and offline sessions of Rift Walker Luminvale campaign.
Dodgy Upgrades In Astropolis
The group met with Law Commander Micha had a brief chat talking about some dodgy upgrades where people were found with their implants ripped out. Sally called her agent who had gotten an upgrade and told her of YG7. In the mean time the group saw a man with the sign that gave weird vibes. They went to travel to his shop and saw the smash head punks harassing an old lady. DJ started some music to distract them and the crowd. The group talk with the old lady with a bag of weapons. She was a rebellious freedom fighter who hated the authority. She gave them a passcode to the shop. The group played along. Barnaby helped her with her bag and Socko was pivotal in saying the right things to keep her on side. DJ revealed their glasses with words on them!
They got to the shop and questioned him - he was vague but he let them into the back and poured some drinks. They noticed the mannequins and weird tech around. DJ notices their teacher. Sally uses mojo to mind control him and find out the truth about him causing the crimes and his hatred for the authority. The crimes are that he wants to bring down the authority by getting people to cause chaos. Violence is all they know. They nearly drink the pink liquid he pours out that he says is poison- they try to get him to change and offer to adapt his cybernetics. The group feels conflicted. The attacks he is causing are horrific, but he doesn’t mean for the people to hurt themselves after, it’s a glitch in their upgrades. They are right to hate the authority. After the spell wears off. He tells Sally that he was awake the whole time. He threatens them to please leave. DJ wants her teacher back. He says he will let them go if they leave and the group says they can’t do that. On a cliff hanger the group finds out he will kill DJ’s teacher with his mind if not left alone. He will free her and let them leave.
Dodgy Upgrades in Astropolis Part 1.5
The group start their big offensive in the heat of the moment. Sally summons a zombie, Dj throws down a beat, Socko begins to groove and Barnaby threatens his way to YG7. The street punks and hustlers break into the store and smash all the gear around them, as YG7 is threatened into telling the crew how to free DJ’s teacher. After some quick reactions of Socko seeing and flagging issues of looting, Barnaby grabbing the teacher and wakening her. Law Commander Micha jumps in and the crowd disperses. Sally collects the Seal of the Future from one of the test mannequins.
Thoughts and Overview
We did the second part of the session as text play by post as there was some scheduling issues, with not much in the session to go. This was ok. It was hard to get everyone motivated but when it eventually did go off, it was fun. I would learn that next time, we would do more like voting and polls in our group chats, as it was hard to get everyone on the same page. It was also tricky to get everyone to participate when they didn’t know how to react in message, versus real life playing.
In reaction to some feedback about crafter progression being wide but not deep, I have drafted some extended use of the character’s Role Abilities. These are drafted below! We will play test these.
From this point forward I am officially renaming the game to Rift Walker. It is cleaner and is more in line with making this game more accessible by removing jargon.
Drafted extended Role Abilities.