Random Encounter Tables for D&D and Other TTRPGs

Random Encounter Table - An Undead Lord’s Tomb

  1. 4 shadow creatures attacking one member

  2. A ghost was killed here it wants to get revenge so tries to embody - if a pc helps the ghost all try to lure it away from the group to control it (sad moaning lady)

  3. A disembodied crawling hand comes up and looks around and leaves bring 4d6 zombies

  4. An attractive spectral creature of much higher level appears through the wall and disappears again, leading the PCs to a trap

  5. You see a light moving in the distance if a sound is made, it splits into 2 dangerous spirits to lure the PC to the end boss’ room

  6. You come across a large obelisk a black pillar with inscription of a god’s gamble. If touched roll a d6:

    1. You see a horrible memory of someone who died in here - take 2d6 psychic damage

    2. Your hand burns if you are of chaotic or evil alignment for 3d6 fire damage

    3. You see a glimpse of the enemy’s lair and what they are up to

    4. Make a dc 15 charisma saving throw or the boss monster looks thorough your eyes and into your memory

    5. You become the target of a huge pile of bones in the next room, that form into a massive skeleton

    6. You are heard 1d6 hit points as you hear a curative song

Random Encounter Table - A Unicorn’s Woodland Forest

  1. 3d4 Deer and a mighty golden stag freeze, then flee upon seeing the party and will lead them to the majestic waterfall of the unicorn. If attached, the Stag is much harder to kill than expected.

  2. A mischevious pixie will turn one of the PCs into a badger for 1d4 hours

  3. You come across a woodland spirit, that is bathing and beautiful DC 15 constitution saving through or be blinded for 1d4 hours. I you are of Lawful Good alignment and have no interest in carnal pleasure, you do not make this saving throw

  4. A wolverine stalks the party around and will attack to take their latest kill

  5. A bear is caught in a bear trap and will attack if not handled correctly. If let free, the party receives a blessing for the next hour

  6. 3d4 wolves and a wolf pack leader attack the party

Random Encounter Table - A Dragon’s Mountain Top

  1. You see the dragon flying around killing and eating some nearby creatures - DC 18 stealth check not to be seen

  2. 1d6 giant goats are butting heads and climbing the trail

  3. You come across 2 stone golems that block the path - you must defeat them in boulder, parchment, sheers to pass

  4. A cruizy dog-faced humanoid will challenge you to a mountain surf race to the bottom. The prize is a rock that detects weather, gravity, slope, illusion, invisible creatures, fire, blindness and dwarfish origin

  5. A chimera is standing guard and attacks

  6. 3d8 harpies attack the party and kite them from above with rocks and swooping flyby attacks


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