Roll For Series - Core Mechanic Update

Today I am coming to you all to tell you about the most recent update to the Roll For, series I have been play testing over the last few years.

The core change comes to the previous rule, that a 6 had to be rolled from your dice pool, when added together. Critical hits used to be rolled by adding more groups of 6s together (12, 18 etc).

Now the game is much simpler as you are counting successes rolling a 5 or 6 on a dice. It makes it a little more likely to succeed and a lot faster in checking for success.

I would like you to let me know your feedback on this update. Please send me an email here if you have any thoughts. In the mean time check out the updates to the 3 draft play test documents below.

Roll For Priest

Roll For Vigilante

Roll For Mech


ABCDungeon Tactical Generator v0.5


Thoughts on Game Play Testing