Powers in Rift Walker 0.4

This week I am looking to discuss the topic of powers and how they work in the current and future version of the game. I have really enjoyed the simple framework for abilities so far, but am looking to expand them to be a bit more freeform in use. This aligns with the way that Checks are quite freeform for general use in the main resolution system. I have always enjoyed the way that the powers just work, that is a defining feature of the game and removes any “bad feelings” for players with “wasted” effects. I have loved the way that Controllers (as a Role type) define and manipulate the use of powers in the game. Let me know what you think of the proposed changes.


Current Version (0.3)


Powers are special checks that RWs can make that are automatic successful. They are special limited abilities. By spending a Power Dice in the special Pool, a player rolls a d6 and counts that many successes in relation to the special ability. Each RW starts with 3 Power Dice in their pool, and 3 unique powers. They may gain more of these as they gain experience. Creating Powers is a conversation between the RW and RM. Think of each unique effect each power should have. Maybe a wizard blasts fire from their hands; a knight can attack multiple enemies in one strike with their sword; an alien might telepathically persuade something it can’t normally communicate with; a medic might heal a group of allies. Determine what each power does, to do with the ‘archetype’ of the RW.  These are all considered at d6 effectiveness in the roll and are in line with Conditions. Select a framework for each power below:  

  • Damage/Recovery + Check Modifier – 1 target 

  • Damage/Recovery + auto succeed a check type – 1 target  

  • Check Modifier + auto succeed a check type – 1 target 

  • Damage/Recovery or Check Modifier – d6 targets  

  • Damage/Recovery or Check Modifier – 1 target, d6 turns  

  • Interaction Manipulation – d6 targets 

  • Interaction Manipulation – 1 target, d6 turns  

  • Create something in the environment – d6 turns 

  • Your RM may let you do something different at a cost  



A measure to represent the player’s preferred style of interacting in game – Skilled, Warrior, Support, Controller. Each Role allows one type of action to be done with +2 dice. It also allows that action to be done in accompaniment with a move action, for the cost of 1 action. This is a Role Bonus. 

  • Controller: + 2 success on powers | Single Action: Move and Power 

A RW may start with 1 Role Ability. This is a unique passive ability in which each RW can “break” the core rules of the game. They may gain additional of these as they level up. The table of selection is in the next section “Build A RiftWalker”. 



D1-1 Quickened Your Role action (powers) - can now be used in reaction to another’s action – using one of your next actions early 

D1-2 Power stores – You may use your WillPower (New Skill) slots for storing power uses, when using the Acquire Skill Downtime action, these can be used once each per session in place of a Power dice  

D1-3 Learned You gain 3 WillPower Pool New Skill Slots 

D1-4 Empowered You may heal all your power dice once per adventure 

D1-5 Destiny control – You may spend Power dice in place of Fate Points 

D1-6 Ready at Range Powers work over a greater distance (typically 2 range increments instead of 1) 


Future Version (0.4)


Powers are special checks that RWs can make that are automatic successful. They are special limited abilities. By spending a Power Dice in the special Pool, a player rolls a d6 and counts that many successes in relation to the special ability. Each RW starts with 3 Power Dice in their Pool, and 3 unique powers. They may gain more of these as they gain experience. RWs choose the name of their Powers, during character creation. Using Powers and their effect is a conversation between the RW and RM. Each power has a unique effect. For example, a wizard blasts fire from their hands “Fire Blast”; a knight can attack multiple enemies in one strike with their sword “Slice and Dice”; an alien might telepathically persuade something it can’t normally communicate with “Telepathy”; a medic might heal a group of allies. Determine what each power does, to do with the ‘archetype’ of the RW. These can be different with each use of the power, as this verbiage is just an outline for narrative. These are two key words that that can be added into single Will Power Pool Slots as more are gained. These are all considered at d6 effectiveness in the roll and are in line with Conditions. As each one is used in the moment, select a framework for its use. Multiple effects may be used, if RWs choose to spend multiple dice on the power use. Each dice roll’s successes apply to 1 power framework, or multiple to the same framework (adding as appropriate) and is played out narratively. Eg “Fire Blast” from the wizard gets 5 success total; this may apply d6 damage to 3 targets for 2 turns. 

Basic Power Form (default 1 target, 1 turn) 

  • Check Modifier - 1 target, d6 effectiveness, 1 pool, 1 turn, close range 

  • Pool Damage - 1 target, d6 effectiveness, 1 pool, close range 

  • Pool Recovery - 1 target, d6 effectiveness, 1 pool, close range 

  • Hinder Foe - 1 target, d6 effectiveness, 1 turn, close range 

  • Control Foe - 1 target, d6 effectiveness, 1 turn, close range 

  • Interaction Manipulation - 1 target, d6 effectiveness, 1 turn, 1 element, close range 

  • Environmental Manipulation Terrain (d6 endurance) 

  • Environmental Manipulation Ally - tied to 1 Pool damage/armour and total for check – use action in place of yours in future 


  • None (pick two from left column, can be same twice if relevant) 

  • D6 Targets (keeping range increment) 

  • D6 Turns 

  • 2 elements  

  • One further range increment (near, far) 

  • Your RM may let you do something different at a cost 



A measure to represent the player’s preferred style of interacting in game – Skilled, Warrior, Support, Controller. Each Role allows one type of action to be done with +2 dice. It also allows that action to be done in accompaniment with a move action, for the cost of 1 action. This is a Role Bonus. 

  • Controller: + 2 success on powers | Single Action: Move and Power 

A RW may start with 1 Role Ability. This is a unique passive ability in which each RW can “break” the core rules of the game. They may gain additional of these as they level up. The table of selection is in the next section “Build A Rift Walker”. 

RWs gain up to 2 Role Bonus (additional) abilities as they progress. After the acquisition of any 2 XP Perks, they gain their first and after 4 they gain their second. These are unlocked in the order listed. 


  • Quickened Your Role action (powers) - can now be used in reaction to another’s action – using one of your next actions early 

  • Master Versatility – You may split up Powers rolls amongst multiple frameworks, but with 1 dice, instead of spending multiple. You need to have rolled at least a 4 successes total (including your bonus) to split these up and it there is no limit to the number of divisions of frameworks you may do, as long as you have successes 



D1-1 Drained – You may take Pool damage to use in place power dice - when you do, roll twice that many dice and take the highest eg, sustaining 1 WP damage allows for 2 d6 to be rolled, taking the highest 

D1-2 Power stores – You may use your Will Power (New Skill) slots for storing power uses, when using the Acquire Skill Downtime action, these can be used once each per session in place of a Power dice  

D1-3 Learned You gain 3 Will Power Pool New Skill Slots 

D1-4 Empowered You may regain all your Power dice once per adventure 

D1-5 Destiny Control – You may spend Power dice in place of Fate Points 

D1-6 Channeler – You may choose to announce that you are “channeling” a power when used to gain an extra cumulative D6 to the roll for each action you spend on the casting. 




New Mantras


Map and World Making Tools Example: Kris-Tara