Passive Sound Project

Over the last few months I have been uploading a bunch of patchers to showcase a few ideas in max. These include:

  • Easy visuals

  • Simple Sound generation

  • Interesting combinations

The ideas was to educate folks while really defining the sound of Nervous Plaything. Really, when using max, these are my audio visual palate and niche. This is really shown in my Live Takes Series.

Heading to my Resources Page, you can find the following patchers:

  • Clicker and Wave Visualiser - this patcher features a plus sound and a a wave visualiser - a great starting point

  • White Noise, One Pole and Visuals - this patcher is a generative filter sweeper for white noise and visualiser

  • Random notes in scale and visuals - easy to customise notes in a scale, generative playback and a visualiser

Similar design concepts can be found in my One Button Ocean work I did for Cycling ‘74.

I use these in this week’s Live Takes.

Gallery of the patchers above.


Design Ideology and Rule Edits to RiftWalker


RiftWalker Campaign - Overview and Thoughts (Sessions 24-27) + Bonus Halloween One-Shot