
screen cap of my max patch one_button_ocean

I have been commissioned by Cycling ’74 @c74connect to create a Max Patcher to fit the theme of “One Button Patchers”. The brief was a patch with a single interface element – a bang – which begins a finite, random process.

“One_Button_Ocean” generates three audio layers, with accompanying video streams. It contains white noise lowpass filter swells, impulse clicks and background noises. It randomly selects the speed between the clicks, the frequency of the background noise and the frequency/volume of the white noise low pass filter. The simple low-fi visuals of cyan “spurts” are generated by the clicks, light blue “triangle waveforms” are created by the background grumbles and dark blue “sine style waveforms” are made from the white noise swells. The results are a digital ocean.

Check it out here:

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Original post:

This has been a goal of mine I have wanted to work towards for a very long time, so I am very excited to have this opportunity.


Christmas Mix 2022


Tabletop Character Design - Classic Fantasy