Indie TTRPG Review: Sweaters By Hedgehog

Sweaters By Hedgehog by Haunted Oak Press, is an indie tabletop roleplaying game. While the game is intended to be solo, I have played it with two players, asking the other and playing the questions, while bouncing prompts off one another.

The game uses playing cards to generate stories about a Hedgehog that makes jumpers for their little village. You can write as little or as much as you like about these prompts. There are large reference tables, and a neat little mechanic, as to wherever the joker turns up, something special happens.

  • Hearts represents what type of creature the customer was

  • Diamonds represents something about their interaction with you

  • Clubs represents what they were looking to purchase

  • Spades represents what colour or style sweater they purchased

An example scenario that came up:

Regina Racoon who was a local big town celebrity, came in and wanted something oversized and cosy. You see, their Dad owns the biggest Oak Tree in town. Such, they are a socialite of the town. Mr Roof, made something white and knitted that suit her style perfectly. She was a very happy customer. Mr Roof saw and upswing in sales after this, as the local magazines got a hold of it.

As journalling games goes, this really helps set the theme of the world. This game has a variety of starting questions, to get you thinking. It has limited art, but a nice little layout, that makes it easy to read. My partner and I really enjoyed this game. We played for many in-game days, and wrote many prompts. It is lovely narrative game that allows for creativity to flourish. I highly recommend checking it out and playing it for a weeknight game, when you want to have a screen free night with your partner, or by yourself. It seems a version 2 might be out soon. Keep your eyes peeled, but in the mean time, check it out.


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