Creative Output Tracker 6

This week I have finished up the 6th in my Creative output trackers. I have had a complete blast tracking the work I have done every week. I have 4 different things I need to complete each week to make sure I have the full set: a max patch, a blog post, work on an exisiting project, and a Live Takes upload. The tracker lasts 12 weeks, and I have so far seen no reason to change from my current output. You can see in past posts, where I was at with previous trackers, but I will stay the path. I have plans in mind seeing milestones like my 300th Live Takes coming up in a few weeks, but I won’t stop after that. Keep up the work, keep up the work, keep up the work - I always say. It’s the way I know I prioritise output in an increasingly busy life, and make sure I stay the course. Just a short one this week folks, to remind you that I practice what I preach. Enjoy yourself this week all, and keep being creative.


ABCDungeon Tactical Generator v0.2


Play test - Solo Dungeon Generator