Approaching Max Through My Patches

Max is a large pool in which to dive into multimedia art. I was lucky enough to take a unit in university learning the topic (one I would be more lucky to teach for many years after). The Reference guide for Max is, in my mind, a thoroughly comprehensive place to start. It features some of the clearest, relevant topics of the creation of art, video manipulation, graphics, installations, plugins and sound.

Another place to start, is to deconstruct patches. I find it a resource that is a guide to not only how to build, but arrange, and play through design learning. From this idea, my Resources Page features many starting places for patches, on a range of topics. I will go through some the starting points I recommend to build, and learn this fabulous rabbit network.


A group of just general max code, that has best practice and little bundles I frequently use. From whole pieces, to pieces that make up a bigger whole, try:

  • TapTempo - this abstraction is my version of a tap tempo, that I have used I many visual and audio patchers

  • Using Coll - this patcher showcases some of the best Coll practices uses the Coll record/playback abstraction

  • Line (best practice) - this abstraction adds a slight delay to the flow of data through a pak object

  • Randommet - this abstraction adds a custom timer to output random numbers


These are definitely essential in the learning process. While some are more flashy and fun than others, they all build up a useful library of code:

  • Monitoring - this is a general guide to the best debugging protocols in Max/MSP/Jitter

  • Random list (non repeating) - this patcher creates a random list of numbers that don’t repeat

  • Breakdown Number - this patcher breaks a number down into random sub numbers that sum together

  • Dropfile utility - this patcher is a great “bpatcher” version of the drop file object

After some continued learning, you can try some more full works to deconstruct. Whatever takes your fancy first.


  • Random Sound Ramps - a patch that sets random sounds to play on ramped times - includes sine, saw, triangle waves; pink and white noise; clicks

  • Variable Sirens - a patch that plays sirens at varying times and lengths


  • Simple Waveform Visualiser - a jit.graph patcher that lets you simply control waveforms of audio files and exports them

  • Mouse disappear on fullscreen - this is a patch that is utility for video works - makes the mouse disappear when video on fullscreen


  • Before_Notes - this composition tool plays notes based on the percentage chance of the notes that were played before and how often they were played - the record button can be kept on to change the percentage as it plays

  • Autoplay Keyboard - this little patch shows some examples of other forms of control - such as keyboard, mouse and generators


Experimental Composition Instructors


Riftwalker Campaign - Overview and Thoughts (Sessions 8-9)