ABCDungeon Tactical Generator v0.6

This week I present updates and further options to the dudgeon tactical generator. I have done the following:

  • Fixed up the monster template

  • Fixed up the character sheet

  • Cleaned up a lot of typos and rules clarifications

  • Added in a defend action for more tactics

  • Added in heirloom items for classes instead of randomly rolled treasure

  • Clarified the core of attacking needs logical line of sight

  • Added in multiple mission objectives.

I feel as if the play test period is nearly done for this game. I would still need to do the following in a proper release version:

  • Clean up the layout and formatting for publishing

  • Add art

  • Add in game play examples

Let me know what you would like added or clarified! Play test v0.6 for download.


Jitter Video Thoughts


Draft Delver