Riftwalker Campaign - Overview and Thoughts (Sessions 12-14)
Session 12 - Debrief with Delander
After the fight, Bataar got them sorted. After examining the papers of Batarr’s orders, the group knew a few things of his plans. They check out the cloud, and stored it in a vault in the basement. Draden had disappeared and the Alpha Tower was now under constant guard. They went back to Delander to explain what had happened. The crew met at a phone booth and were phased through an invisible wall by a man with a leather gimp outfit. They were told that Specimen X carried a disease that affected the Gloom World that some folks had come from. Draden had ordered some Rift Guards to bring them back. They also knew of a plan to get more mirrors for some reason. Eventually they knew they had to face Draden, but it was not today. The group relaxed in the Venture Syndicate and did some shopping - getting some herbs and a new Crossbow for Khazgan. Even a Brick for Zadymka. They were told of a mission to Find captain Clara’s missing alternate hand…. They followed the mirror shipment to see guards and a woman intercepting them.
Session 13 - Mirror Shipment
The group convinced a guard they meant him no harm, while Khazgan tried to sneak up on the group, being invisible. A fight broke out. Ralph smashed the mirrors. Esbara put the friendly guard to sleep and fought back against the Sorcerous and guards that attacked them. Zadymka froze the woman in place and systematically attacked the guards. Khazgan went brutal after being attacked, and took out many guards. He went into a frenzy and let a few bleed out, severed a hand and eventually attacked the unarmed, asleep guard. the group stopped him by Zadymka freezing him in place.
Session 14 - Consequences and Travelling
The heroes shook Kazghan out of his rage with Small, Esbara slit the throat of the guard to put him out of his misery. Zadymka kept him on ice, and Ralph took Small to give her to him under Zadymka’s ideas. The Sorcerous told them how to create their own rift and where to find Draden. They were told to take the book (contact her if they must), get a crystal shard and an artefact of where they want to go. The group debated going home, but knew they had to stop Draden. The next day they bought Zadymka a new Dragon Axe and Ralph bought some fish that he spoke to. Esbara was quite ill that morning. The group traveled unhindered and very fast through the Solar Needle Pine Forest and a little slower on the Void Sea. They successfully avoided a monster and the fish were let go in the strange waters o the sea (they were very happy). The team entered Limbo’s Fog and were greeted by the voice of Draden.
The Werewolf character I made for the playtest
New Pirate Character Built
Play Test
A little over a week ago, I managed to play test this game with another TTRPG enthusiast. He ran a short encounter with a witch and some guards, playing as a werewolf. He built a pirate character and we discussed many ideas. It was fun to try new things out and have fresh perspective on it. He was very combat focussed and that was a good perspective to take. It made me think about some things that might change in the future and the things I really like about the game. I thought it would be fun to list the full record below as an archive for future ideas:
Critical hit - severity on a d6 critical hit - more successes = better?
Enemy does less damage the more damage they take as the success hits
3rd action?
Charge attack for a move???
Hard move to move and attack - 1 less die
X unique things - remove armour and weapons - 5 backstory things
Default downtime - maintain life - net basic
Should warrior affect powers if they do damage
Skilled doesn’t come up in combat
Support - minor action and regular action - assist could be a minor action
Support might help others when they succeed - without them having to use them - get support
Obvious appeal for in an out of combat - different roles - maybe an out of combat and in combat move -> support might not be used in combat - controller and warrior are active using them - not looking to use support or skilled in combat - skilled and support might not simply come back
Won’t tire easy is worse than flat 2 armour
Having flat armour and damage adds another layer in a good way
You don’t want the bloat and all the benefits
Gear with weapons and armour - maybe remove them - offence and defence + not claws and hide
Having. Simple weapon list 1, 2 and 3 damages might be easier over different gear and many worlds
Is gear necessary? Is it a huge list? - point spend
More role actions