Describing My Game Master Style

In relation to the great Sly Flourish article, I thought I’d present my GM Style - read his here: This was a great experience to understand some truths about myself. I think I might even use this in my next campaign start, to make sure my players get the right fit with my play style.

  • I’m on the side of the players - I’ll allow cool things that still allow for balance. Just ask me what you’re trying to do and I can tell you how it might work. I’m not antagonistic to players

  • I prefer running systems that are light to medium crunch; that allow flexibility and aren’t too cumbersome

  • I’m not a tactical expert or encyclopedia of memory. I’m a human who loves roleplaying games

  • I like niche protection, and don’t like people stepping on others toes, or trying to be the best of everything, especially in a team game

  • I like theatre of the mind if it’s light, and a gridded map if it’s a tactical combat

  • I’ll let anyone play at my table, unless they are aggressive, unnecessarily disruptive or bigoted

  • I like having sessions wrap up at a conclusion or an interesting cliff hanger. That will mean speeding through monotonous or boring tasks sometimes. This comes from my time being a game master at a local gaming store

  • You can talk out loud to me and I will do back - out of character. Eg explain a puzzle if needed if unclear on intention etc - I’m a person.

  • I like funny voices and character quirks, but I’m not an actor - I don’t expect players to do this unless they want to

  • I like player safety and social/mental safety tools

  • I don’t railroad players, I like you all to have options. I do this by planting seeds for options, and at the end of session or between sessions, ask what way they want to go by voting on a poll

  • I really dislike characters who want to be overly edgy, loners, travel out of the group or not want to adventure - I might ask you to make a new character if you’re too many of these things

  • I like to create turn order or spotlight time for all players and strive for equal time for this. Sometimes this will mean cutting off your long scene and returning to it

  • I make mistakes with rules sometimes, I’m happy for things to move on in session and check between sessions for consistency - this might mean I allow something now and consider it a non continuing thought/unbalanced idea etc, I’ll ask you to not do that again or explain the rule

  • I roll behind a screen. I like it for tension purposes

  • I play online for convenience of life, but prefer to play in person

  • I’m a fan of social contracts and session zeroes. I am not adverse to a mid campaign one if needed

  • I might be needed to be the arbiter of rules, the social instructor, scheduler, mediator and more as the GM. I might have to have conversations about play style with players if they don’t fit with the group

  • If the game allows it, I enjoy a variety of session structures and types - experimenting is my version of play

  • While I don’t mind them, I’ve come to learn I’m not a huge fan of long shopping sequences. Unless the whole table participates and has social parts in it, I’d prefer to handle it privately in downtime between sessions

  • I’m not a fan of players just trying as hard as possible to bend, break or overly optimize rules. Especially if it is just one player. I’d prefer we state if it’s the style of the game up front or everyone just chill

  • I like consistent scheduling but I also get that life happens and it’s more important than the game. I’ll typically run if one person is missing, unless it’s a major session


Sonic Experiment #343


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